
unusual facts about Originality


In addition to being original, inventions submitted for a patent must also be useful and nonobvious.


Originality |

Allen Taflove

In 2010 and 2011, Prof. Taflove and his co-defendant, Shih-Hui (Gilbert) Chang, a former Ph.D. student, won four consecutive decisions in the U.S. Federal courts in a case initiated in July 2007 and then pursued through the appeals process by two plaintiffs who questioned the originality of some of the Taflove-Chang publications.

András Fáy

These fables, which, on account of their originality and simplicity, caused Fay to be regarded as the Hungarian Aesop, were translated into German by Petz (Raab, 1825), and partly into English by E. D. Butler, Hungarian Poems and Fables (London, 1877).

Arnold van Wyk

Through this BBC appointment he met British composer and musicologist Howard Ferguson, who was "immensely impressed by the beauty and originality" of his works.

Barbara Bodichon

She studied under William Holman Hunt, and her water-colors, exhibited at the Salon, the Royal Academy and elsewhere, showed great originality and talent, and were admired by Corot and Daubigny.

Barbara Rosen

The Mews of London received "Special Mention for Originality" in the Guide Book of the Year Awards, 1983, from the London Tourist Board.

Bernat Manciet

:"One won't have long to wait before an overall study of Manciet's work is made. Maybe it will help understand better this giant of originality, whose unremitting literary renewal and lyrical intimate spring have no cause to be jealous of the latest Parisian trends. With René Char and Salvatore Quasimodo, Bernat Manciet is undoubtedly one of the great and underrated poets of modern Europe."

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

She also addresses the Kopienforschung ("copy research") of Johann Joachim Winckelmann, who is finding a type statuary through its Roman copies, focusing on identifying the originality of Roman sculptors.

Chigi Chapel

The original cartoons were lost but some preparatory drawings, that confirm the originality of the work, survived in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford and Lille.

Curaco de Vélez

One of the attractions for a visitor is the characteristic vernacular architecture of Chiloé that makes good use of features such as balconies and lookouts that create an air of simplicity and originality.

Da Game Is to Be Sold, Not to Be Told

Anthony DeCurtis of Rolling Stone gave the album 2 out of 5 stars, saying that Snoop's work lacked the confidence and originality displayed on his earlier albums.

Das Judenthum in der Musik

Some writers (for example, Bryan Magee) have sought to make a qualified defence of Wagner's originality of thought in 'Das Judentum', despite acknowledging its malevolence.

Edwin Howard Armstrong award

The Major Armstrong award, named after the inventor of FM radio, Edwin Howard Armstrong, is presented "to AM and FM stations for excellence and originality in radio broadcasting" by the Armstrong Memorial Research Foundation at Columbia University.

Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle

The company secured the motorcycle names from the past of Excelsior and Henderson previously owned by Ignatz Schwinn of the Schwinn companies, and proceeded to design and manufacture OEM proprietary motorcycles with design originality of the former Excelsior and Henderson motorcycles.

Feist v. Rural

However, the Supreme Court partially backed away from the originality doctrine in CCH Canadian Ltd. v. Law Society of Upper Canada.

François Racine de Monville

He was also noted for originality as an architect, designing two town houses, the Grand and Petit Hotel de Monville, which were built by architect Étienne-Louis Boullée in Paris at the corner of the rue d'Anjou and rue Saint-Honoré in Paris.

Golf Digest

In 2009, Golf Digest was nominated for a National Magazine Awards by the American Society of Magazine Editorsin the Magazine Section in recognition of the excellence of a regular section of a magazine based on voice, originality and unified presentation.

James B. Greenough

Following the lead of Goodwin's Moods and Tenses (1860), he set himself to study Latin historical syntax, and in 1870 published Analysis of the Latin Subjunctive, a brief treatise, privately printed, of much originality and value, and in many ways coinciding with Berthold Delbrück's Gebrauch des Conjunctivs und Optativs in Sanskrit und Griechischen (1871), which, however, quite overshadowed the Analysis.

John Rochester Thomas

His work was characterized by originality, moderation and dignity, according to The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography of 1899: "Judged by the artistic quality of his work and by his achievements in accomplishing repeatedly what others have declared impossible, he well deserves the title of America's leading architect."

Joseph Henry Reason

His dissertation, "An Inquiry Into the Structure, Style, and Originality of Chrestien's Yvain", was published as volume 57 of Studies in Romance Languages and Literature.


His task permits of little originality beyond that exhibited in new words composed, or derived, according to familiar types (auricolor, flammiuomus, flammicomans, sinuamen), elegant synonyms to express the Christian realities (tonans for "God", genitor for the Father, spiramen for the Holy Ghost, uersutia for the Devil), or, lastly, archaic expressions.

Karl Lentzner

Lentzner seems to have spent some years in New South Wales in the 1870s (he taught languages at Sydney Grammar and Kings School and mentions coming across "Yokahama-Pidgin" as spoken by Japanese naval officers in Sydney in 1877) which gives the Australian portions some claim to originality and importance; for the rest he relies heavily on other authorities.

Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society

Originally intended to be published along with the author's 1958 work Culture and Society, this work examines the history of more than a hundred words that are familiar and yet confusing: Art; Bureaucracy; Culture; Educated; Management; Masses; Nature; Originality; Radical; Society; Welfare; Work; and many others.

Lizzy Gardiner

Noted for her originality, she is best known for her American Express gold card dress which she wore to collect her Academy Award for Best Costume Designer at the 67th Academy Awards in 1995 for her work on The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

Nandalal Bose

Like Raphael Nandalal was a great synthesizer, his originality lay in his ability to marshal discrete ideas drawn from Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, E. B. Havell, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Okakura Kakuzo and Mahatma Gandhi into a unique and unified programme for the creation of a new art movement in India.

National Register of Historic Places listings in Midland County, Michigan

The quality and originality of his work, as well as his association with Frank Lloyd Wright, have earned him lasting national recognition.

Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword

Ninja Gaiden series director Tomonobu Itagaki has stated that he decided to make the game for the Nintendo DS because of the originality that the platform allows, which he feels is the most important aspect of a handheld platform, and also to create a challenge for himself.


John Kricfalusi argues that off-model animation allows originality and can help a scene come to life, as strictly sticking to poses and expressions as dictated in model sheets can be too restricting.

Originality in Canadian copyright law

Some countries, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, have adopted a low standard of originality that requires the author to expend some effort and labour to create the work as well as requiring that the work not be copied.

Raqs Media Collective

Raqs is best known for its contribution to contemporary art, and has presented work at most of the major international shows, from Documenta to the Venice Biennale; but the collective is active in an unusually wide range of domains, and it is perhaps this breadth that gives their work its originality and scope.

Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time

IGN's Craig Harris gave the game an "okay" score of 6 out of 10, citing the game's similarities to Metroid and recent Castlevania games as good design, but saying the game lacked originality.

Sid Lee

Sid Lee launched a global brand campaign for adidas Originals under the Celebrate Originality banner featuring cultural icons such as David Beckham, Kevin Garnett, and Katy Perry.


Joe Kane, the "Phantom of the Movies", was even less kind: "A pathetic Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome rip-off, working from a script which must have been scrawled in Crayola, with every futuristic cliche you could possibly imagine. Lacking in originality, but rich in brain-dead dialogue; when Jami Gertz snarls, 'Get out, you creature of filth!', consider that a subliminal message."

The Echo Chamber

Kirkus Reviews has reservations though, "This ambitious, rambling synthesis of individual and world history, stylistically akin to work by Salman Rushdie and Günter Grass, nevertheless lacks their vigor and originality.

The Underdog/El Subestimado

The album garnered points in originality, making it stand out more than Daddy Yankee's Barrio Fino en Directo and Don Omar's King of Kings.

University of Tokyo

With further development of the garden by Maeda Tsunanori, it became known as one of the most beautiful gardens in Edo (Now Tokyo), with the traditional eight landscapes and eight borders, and known for originality in artificial pond, hills, and pavilions.

see also