
unusual facts about Bureaucracy

Gregory II of Naples

Stephen had unified the civil, military, and religious authority in the hands of the duke and this unified governing structure he handed down to his son, who gratefully maintained it.


Alvin Toffler claimed in his book Future Shock that adhocracies will get more common and are likely to replace bureaucracy.

California Highway Commission

The California Highway Commission was established in 1895 and continued until 1978 as the primary state highway bureaucracy in California.

Civil service

In the 18th century, in response to economic changes and the growth of the British Empire, the bureaucracy of institutions such as the Office of Works and the Navy Board greatly expanded.

Colonial Mauritania

The governor general was the head of centralized administrative bureaucracy consisting of a lieutenant governor for each territory, the commandant of a cercle (a colonial administrative subdivision), and chiefs of subdivisions, cantons, and villages.

Coluccio Salutati

In 1374 Coluccio received an appointment in Florence and the following year was appointed Chancellor of Florence, the most important position in the bureaucracy of the Florentine Republic.

Design for X

An historical assumption is that New Product Development is conducted in a departmental stage process (that can be traced back to the classical theory of the firm, e.g. Max Weber's bureaucracy or Henri Fayol's administration principles), i.e. New Product Development activities are closely associated with certain department of a company.

Felix Alvarez

Experiencing difficulties as a result of insurmountable bureaucracy and prejudice regarding his non-EU same-sex partner, Alvarez determined to start challenging discrimination of sexual minorities in Gibraltar.

Field telephone

Mod 1932 Developed by Elektrisk Bureau for the Norwegian forces, approved in 1932 (as the 1st std. field telephone), but never made in great numbers, due to bureaucracy and the start of WWII.

Gligorije Trlajić

Gligorije Trlajić was educated in Segedin, Buda, and Pesth, and studied law at the University of Vienna before he entered the bureaucracy in the department of justice in which he rose rapidly to be assistant to the solicitor-general in Vienna.

Golden Twenties

Before long, the Weimar Republic under Chancellor Gustav Stresemann managed to tame the extreme levels of inflation by the introduction of a new currency, the Rentenmark, with tighter fiscal controls and reduction of bureaucracy, leading to a relative degree of political and economic stability.

H. Edmund Machold

As Speaker, he advocated lowering taxes and successfully opposed Governor Al Smith's attempts to reorganize the state bureaucracy.

Hassan Fathy

In 1957, frustrated with bureaucracy and convinced that buildings would speak louder than words, he moved to Athens to collaborate with international planners evolving the principles of ekistical design under the direction of Constantinos Doxiadis.

History of Papua New Guinea

Valued at A$760 million, the program was to tackle crime and corruption in PNG by sending 200 Australian police to Port Moresby and installing 40 Australian officials within the national bureaucracy.

How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back

He is restored to his original rank of Grade 36 by Number 1.0, the head of the Central Bureaucracy, but immediately demoted to Grade 38 for finishing two seconds early, since bureaucrats should not finish early.

Human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine

Jonathan Kay, a columnist for the National Post also criticized Hall's leadership of the OHRC in the aftermath of the decision, writing that Hall was had been influenced by "radicals" in the OHRC bureaucracy.

Imperiled presidency

The growth in the size of the bureaucracy surrounding the President since the New Deal of the 1930s has made the executive more difficult to control.

Independent Diplomat

Independent Diplomat is a non-profit organisation founded in 2004 by former British diplomat Carne Ross to give advice and assistance in diplomatic strategy and technique to governments and political groups - such as providing 'freelance' diplomats to unrecognised governments (i.e. governments of seceded or proto-states that do not (yet) have international recognition, and usually have little experience in dealing with international bureaucracy).

Institutional economics

In The New Industrial State Galbraith argues that economic decisions are planned by a private bureaucracy, a technostructure of experts who manipulate is marketing and public relations channels.

Karl Heinzen

The banning of these newspapers from Prussia prompted him to write Die preußische Bureaukratie (The Prussian Bureaucracy) which was confiscated immediately on its appearance and led to a criminal investigation.

Kenneth R. Mladenka

Mladenka contributed "The Political Machine, the Urban Bureaucracy, and the Distribution of Public Services" to Chicago Politics Papers, a joint effort of the University of Illinois and Northwestern University, to study the period between the two Chicago mayors named Daley.

Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society

Originally intended to be published along with the author's 1958 work Culture and Society, this work examines the history of more than a hundred words that are familiar and yet confusing: Art; Bureaucracy; Culture; Educated; Management; Masses; Nature; Originality; Radical; Society; Welfare; Work; and many others.

Kibeho Massacre

"The government's hostility to the camps was profound, visceral...A large proportion of those who had taken shelter within Zone Turquoise were seen by the government as perpetrators of the genocide", in the words of the former director of the United Nations Rwanda Emergency Office (UNREO), and the RPF was contemptuous of the inadequate programs proposed by the UN bureaucracy.

Kingsley Wood

His first cabinet post was Postmaster General, in which he transformed the British Post Office from a bureaucracy to a business.

Matsudaira Sadanobu

However, following the Title Incident and the visit of Adam Laxman, Sadanobu's credibility and popularity in the Tokugawa bureaucracy became overtaxed, and true to the suggestion in his autobiography that "one should retire before discontent sets in," he resigned.

Michael Bywater

He collaborated with Douglas Adams on The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Bureaucracy and the never-completed Milliways: The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe for Infocom, and with Georgina Sinclair on Jinxter for Magnetic Scrolls.

Newport Power Station

A compromise was agreed by the trade union bureaucracy that a panel led by Sir Louis Matheson would investigate the proposed plant.

Open government

They point to the role of whistleblowers reporting from inside the government bureaucracy (individuals like Daniel Ellsberg or Paul van Buitenen).

Os Aspones

The program, which portrayed a group of white-collar workers at a governmental department lost in Brazilian bureaucracy in Brasília which actually has no function at all, starred Selton Mello, Andréa Beltrão, Pedro Paulo Rangel, Marisa Orth, Drica Moraes and Mário Schoemberger.

Oscuros Rinocerontes Enjaulados

Made by a graduate of the first generation of students from the film school at San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, this black and white parody of bureaucracy in Cuba features a cleaning woman who discovers that her boss is making obscene phone calls.

Politics of the Soviet Union

The primary CPSU bodies were the Politburo, the highest decision-making organ; the Secretariat, the controller of party bureaucracy; and the Central Committee, the party's policy forum.

Public Service of Canada

The Public Service of Canada, known as the Civil Service of Canada prior to 1967, is the civil service, or bureaucracy, of the Government of Canada.

Renwick Gallery

Kim Schmahmann's 1993-99 Bureau of Bureaucracy, which is a "wooden cabinet full of cupboards to nowhere, bottomless drawers, drawers within drawers, hidden compartments, and more, a wonderful metaphor for the labyrinthine workings of government".

Roscoe L. Egger, Jr.

Trials performed as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 revealed a small, but significant number of errors and the IRS was unsure how its already strained bureaucracy would deal with taxpayers when it was the IRS, and not the taxpayer, with a deficiency.

Self-licking ice cream cone

The phrase appears to have been first used in 1992, in On Self-Licking Ice Cream Cones, a paper by Pete Worden about NASA's bureaucracy.

Semyon Furman

As Karpov built further successes, and was earning favour in the Soviet sports bureaucracy, he was able to arrange for Furman to compete with him sometimes in the same international tournaments, such as Madrid 1973, Ljubljana/Portorož 1975, and Bad Lauterberg 1977, all of which Karpov won.

Shah Faesal

He is often credited with having started a new trend of Kashmiri youth vying for space in the local and the National bureaucracy.

The Imam's Army

Relating to the government of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), the book details the installment of members of the Gülen community into the Turkish bureaucracy.

The Mogamma

The Mogamma has appeared in several Egyptian movies, the most famous one being Al-irhab wal Kebab (Terrorism and Kebab), a comedy in which the building's bureaucracy frustrates an Egyptian citizen to the point that he mistakenly grabs a guard's gun, proceeds to take the building hostage, and is labeled a terrorist.

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Along with bureaucracy, which was experimented with in Egypt by Lord Cromer, Arendt says that racism was the main trait of colonialist imperialism, itself characterized by its unlimited expansion (as illustrated by Cecil Rhodes).

This is Not a Book

The assignment "random occurrence" is an homage to Marcel Duchamp, "window" is an homage to Yoko Ono, "chance operation" is an homage to John Cage, "conundrum" and "top secret document" are an homage to Oulipo, "bureaucracy" is an homage to José Saramago and "voyage" is an homage to Bas Jan Ader.

Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective

Thomas Wellock from Central Washington University recommended the book "for all libraries and students of politics, government bureaucracy, and environmental history".

Yuan Dynasty

The bureaucracy system created by Kublai Khan reflected various cultures in the empire, including that of the Han Chinese, Khitans, Jurchens, Mongols and Tibetan Buddhists.

see also