
unusual facts about Orthodox Jew

Hiding and Seeking

Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust is 2004 documentary film about Menachem Daum, an Orthodox Jew and son of German Nazi Holocaust survivors who has spent his life interviewing survivors about the impact of the Holocaust on their lives.

Matthew F. Hale

Beginning on July 2, 1999, Smith shot nine Orthodox Jews walking to and from their synagogues in Chicago's West Rogers Park neighborhood, killed two people, including former Northwestern University basketball coach Ricky Byrdsong, in Evanston, Illinois, and a 26-year-old Korean graduate student named Won-Joon Yoon who was shot as he was on his way to church in Bloomington, Indiana.

see also

Arthur Hertzberg

Hertzberg recalled that as a teenager in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland, he would not accept the notion that the literary world of talmudic learning, the kabbalistic books and the writing of the chasidim were less worthy as compared to the Iliad, the Odyssey or Dante's Inferno.

Har Brakha

Currently, over 170 families live in this Orthodox Jewish community which is within the municipal jurisdiction of the Shomron Regional Council.

Nir Jacob Kaplan

He was raised as an Orthodox Jew, under the strict rule of his religious father.


In the early nineties, the kibbutz renovated a small former residential apartment building and turned it into a bed and breakfast, mainly geared for the Orthodox Jewish market.

Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men

Lead musician and singer Moshe Tanenbaum is a Hasidic Orthodox Jew who stars as "Uncle Moishy" who leads his "Mitzvah Men" in song and verse that expresses the observant religious lifestyle of Orthodox Judaism.