
unusual facts about OutSPOKEN


outSPOKEN for Microsoft Windows was released in 1994 for Windows 3.1, and was widely recognized as one of the first truly effective screen readers for Windows.


Abortion in Argentina

President Fernando de la Rúa (1999–2001) was not outspoken about its Catholic belief and its influence in government policies, but effectively kept them unchanged.

Alfred Flores

During the war, Flores provided assistance to Father Jesus Baza Duenas, a Chamorro Roman Catholic priest and an outspoken critic of the Japanese.

Amateur Athletic Union

In the early 1970s, The AAU became the subject of criticism, notably by outspoken track star Steve Prefontaine, over the living conditions for amateur athletes under the AAU, as well as arbitrary rules.

András Schiff

He has also become an outspoken critic of the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán, whom he has publicly accused of racism, anti-Semitism, and neo-fascism, stating in January 2012 that he would never again set foot in his native country.

Australian Jewish Democratic Society

It has taken positions opposing the Gaza Siege and the Occupation, including settlements, and is outspoken in support of civil rights in Israel and the occupied territories.

Bachir Boumaaza

Boumaaza and his crew have been outspoken critics of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and have supported pro net neutrality causes.

Barbara Coombs Lee

Senator Roberts’ wife, Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts, became a good friend and a tireless and outspoken advocate for Death with Dignity.

BC Report

BC Report was noted for hosting a number of outspoken columnists such as libertarian economist Walter Block, talk show host Rafe Mair and constitutional lawyer Mel Smith.

Chesterfield Smith

While serving as President of the American Bar Association he became an outspoken critic of the Richard Nixon and advocated for the congressional reappointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the Watergate affair, although Smith had earlier supported Nixon's 1968 and 1972 presidential campaigns.

Christian humanism

They tend to align with liberal secular humanism and one of their outspoken advocates is retired US Bishop John Shelby Spong.

Christopher Muhammad

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David Caldicott

He has been an outspoken critic of politicians supporting 'zero-tolerance' and prohibitionist drugs policy, questioning the evidence of their efficacy in preventing morbidity and mortality from illicit substances.

David Hardingham

He was an outspoken critic of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s human rights record during his thirty year presidency, a record he maintains is confirmed by the many examples of torture undergone by Mohamed Nasheed and many others he had met during the time many opposition activists stayed at Salisbury.

Ed Ziemba

An outspoken and controversial politician, Ziemba spent six days in Toronto's Don Jail in 1977 for contempt of court when he refused to reveal his informant for allegations that the principals of Abko Laboratories were defrauding the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

Efrim Menuck

Menuck has been an outspoken critic of the Israeli government; the liner notes for Yanqui U.X.O. criticize Ariel Sharon's 2000 visit to the Temple Mount.

Emine Ülker Tarhan

She is an outspoken supporter of the 2013 protests and on one occasion sat on the ground to prevent a water cannon vehicle passing, for which act the pianist Fazıl Say suggested she should take over the leadership of the CHP.

Expository preaching

John MacArthur is probably the best known expository preacher in America, and is a proponent of the expository method of preaching (and an outspoken opponent of the topical method as used almost exclusively by some churches).

Fatos Lubonja

He is an outspoken critic of the Albanian socio-political factors, i.e. right-wing leader Sali Berisha, Socialist Party leader Edvin Kristaq Rama, former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj, Red and Black Alliance, and poet and novelist Ismail Kadare.

Gérard Rudolf

He received some notoriety as a gutsy actor and outspoken opponent to the Apartheid regime at the time, he also campaigned against the forced military conscription by the Government.

Go God Go

In response, the school administrator's hire outspoken evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins as an assistant teacher to help Mrs. Garrison present the evolution lesson.

Grant Farred

Farred was one of the most outspoken members of the so-called “Group of 88,” a group of 88 professors at Duke who signed an advertisement in the Duke student newspaper, The Chronicle, shortly after white members of the university's lacrosse team were charged with raping a black woman on the night of March 13, 2006.

Harry Anderson

Following the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Anderson stepped back into the spotlight becoming an outspoken critic of the federal government and New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin.

J. Carlyle Sitterson

Student leaders and faculty members of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill led a campus movement in opposition to the law which climaxed with the invitation of speakers Herbert Aptheker (an avowed communist) and Frank Wilkinson (an outspoken critic of the House Un-American Activities Committee).

James Parkinson

Parkinson was a strong advocate for the under-privileged, and an outspoken critic of the Pitt-government.

James Redpath

Redpath was deeply affected by the extreme poverty of much of rural Ireland (he converted his friend and fellow-abolitionist David Ross Locke to support for Irish nationalism by taking him up the Galtee Mountains to show him the condition of smallholding mountain tenants.) Redpath became an outspoken advocate of the cause of the Land League and Charles Stewart Parnell; pro-landlord commentators accused him of incitement to murder.

Joel Broyhill

He was an unrelenting and outspoken opponent of home rule for the District, arguing that the U.S. Constitution placed ultimate responsibility for the nation's capital with Congress, and he battled for years against measures to increase the authority of city residents to manage D.C. affairs.

John Tantillo

He has been particularly outspoken about what he perceives as the money wasted on Super Bowl advertising.

Josefa Vosanibola

Vosanibola, a devout and outspoken Christian who has strongly defended the influence of the church in Fijian society, played a role in the foundation of the Christian Democratic Alliance (VLV) in 1998, and unsuccessfully contested the Tailevu North Ovalau Open Constituency for that party in the election of 1999.

Julien Lowe

During Monica Rawling's tenure as captain, Julien became more outspoken and disapproved of her seizure policy to the point that he was going to transfer out of the department, but when the policy was shut down and Rawling was dismissed, Julien decided to remain.

Khimki Forest

Asking Russian rock star Yuri Shevchuk, an outspoken critic of the highway's planned route, who had made headlines confronting Vladimir Putin in a face-to-face meeting in May, to join him on stage at a concert, Bono and Shevchuk sang a Bob Dylan tune (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) in front of 60,000 people.

Laura Glading

Glading has been an outspoken advocate in support of the American Airlines–US Airways merger and has appeared alongside Neil Roghair, vice president of the Allied Pilots Association to urge approval of the planned merger over U.S. Justice Department opposition.

Luigi Bertoni

Bertoni fought on the Huesca front with Italian comrades during the Spanish Revolution and was, with Emma Goldman, one of the outspoken critics of anarchist participation in the Republican government after the Spanish Civil War.

Marcel Prud'homme

He was particularly outspoken in his support for Palestinian causes and in his opposition to Zionism and this may have hindered the prospects of his serving in the Canadian Cabinet.

Margery Baxter

Margery Baxter was an outspoken and unorthodox Lollard from Martham, England.

Matthew Wright

In February 2014, Wright hosted The Big Benefits Row: Live on Channel 5, a live debate about benefits with guests including Ken Livingstone, Annabel Giles and outspoken newspaper columnist Katie Hopkins.

Maurice Rapf

Rapf was a minority, a Jew, and an outspoken left-winger, and he himself feared that the film would inevitably be Uncle Tomish.

Michael Corrigan

During the 1886 mayoral campaign in New York City, the outspoken McGlynn supported Henry George, the candidate of the United Labor Party who proved popular with labor organizers, radicals, socialists, and Irish nationalists.

Michael G. Waddoups

Waddoups was scrutinized for his outspoken opposition to Judge Robert Hilder during Hilder's confirmation hearings for the Utah State Court of Appeals.

Michael Thibodeau

An outspoken critic of same-sex marriage in Maine, Thibodeau voted against the successful 2009 bill, saying "Let’s be honest. This isn’t about civil rights. It’s about a social agenda that tears at the very fabric of our society".

Pat Martin

Martin is an outspoken critic of the monarchy of Canada, both in parliament and in the media, citing the marriage of the Prince of Wales to the Duchess of Cornwall as a reason to abolish the monarchy.

Régine Zylberberg

A feisty and outspoken person by nature, in 1996 Régine and her son were arrested for refusing to comply with crew requests and smoking on an American Airlines flight.

Robert le Coq

At the meeting of the estates which opened in Paris in October 1356 le Coq played a leading role and was one of the most outspoken of the orators, especially when petitions were presented to the dauphin Charles, denouncing the bad government of the realm and demanding the banishment of the royal councillors.

Stalking Pete Doherty

Carlish was educated at King David Primary School and then King Edward's School, Birmingham where he was a keen amateur dramatist - writing and performing a 'hip-hop opera' in which Carlish 'rapped' about a mystical 'Rock of Crack' (Cocaine) and where at least one contemporary remembers him as energetically outspoken even at a tender age.

The Color of Friendship

Piper Dellums (Shadia Simmons) is a black girl who lives in Washington, D.C. with her father, Congressman Ron Dellums (Carl Lumbly), an outspoken opponent of the South African apartheid system and the oppression of black South Africans, her mother Roscoe Dellums (Penny Johnson), and two younger twin brothers, Brandy (Anthony Burnett) and Erik (Erron Jackson).

Timeline of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007

November 30, 2007: U.S. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), an outspoken congressional critic of the Iraq war, said he saw signs of significant military progress during a brief trip to the Middle East.

Timothy Ha

Ha, representing the Anglican Church, joined the outspoken Bishop Zen Ze-kiun of the Catholic Church in opposing the School-Based Management Policy reforms, including threatening to take legal actions to deter the government’s initiatives.

United States Newspaper Program

The most outspoken critic of the United States Newspaper Program is the author Nicholson Baker.

see also