There were several hundred collaborators including, in addition to Sebastien Faure himself, Luigi Bertoni, Pierre Besnard, Emile Armand, Han Ryner, Augustin Souchy, Max Nettlau, Voline, Aristide Lapeyre, Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, etc.
Bertoni fought on the Huesca front with Italian comrades during the Spanish Revolution and was, with Emma Goldman, one of the outspoken critics of anarchist participation in the Republican government after the Spanish Civil War.
Luigi Pirandello | Luigi Nono (composer) | Luigi Nono | Luigi Comencini | Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli | Luigi Cherubini | Luigi Chinetti | Luigi Dallapiccola | Luigi Tenco | Luigi Ambrosio | Pier Luigi Nervi | Moisés Santiago Bertoni | Luigi Galvani | Luigi's Mansion | Luigi Russolo | Luigi Pasinetti | Luigi Lucheni | Luigi Galleani | Luigi Schiavonetti | Luigi Pulci | Luigi Manini | Luigi Macaluso | Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza | Luigi Infantino | Luigi Fantappiè | Luigi Cozzi | Luigi Arditi | Luigi | Pier Luigi Farnese | Pier Luigi Bersani |