
unusual facts about Outer Mongolia

Outer Mongolia

There was and is some confusion about whether Outer Mongolia only consisted of the four Khalkha aimags (Setsen Khan Aimag, Tüsheet Khan Aimag, Sain Noyon Khan Aimag and Zasagt Khan Aimag), or of Khalkha plus Oyirad areas Khovd and Tannu Uriankhai.


In addition to the official claims made by the People's Republic of China, such as Taiwan, Arunachal Pradesh, the Senkaku Islands, and the South China Sea Islands, some fenqing also make irredentist claims to Outer Mongolia, Tuva, Outer Manchuria, the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar, parts of Central Asia east of Lake Balkhash, Bhutan, Ladakh, and Sikkim.

Kyakhta Russian–Chinese Pidgin

The pidgin owes its name to the town of Kyakhta, a Russian town on the border with the Qing Empire's Outer Mongolia, which for more than a century since its foundation in 1728 was the most important border trading point.

see also

Administrative divisions of Mongolia during Qing

Dariganga - Qing emperor's pasture, where the best horses from both Inner and Outer Mongolia were collected and mastered by the Dariganga tribe.


Ceke, Inner Mongolia, a town in Ejin Banner, on the border with Outer Mongolia and the terminus of the Jiayuguan–Ceke Railway and the Linhe–Ceke Railway.