snail | freshwater | Snail | Freshwater whitefish | Freshwater, Isle of Wight | Freshwater Bay | Freshwater | Cape Lowland Freshwater Wetland | Snail on the Slope | O'ahu tree snail | List of freshwater aquarium plant species | Giant African land snail | The jeweled top snail ''Calliostoma annulatum | ''Sweet Brown Snail'' by Jason Rhoades | Polynesian tree snail (disambiguation) | Polynesian tree snail | Ovotestis of a freshwater snail ''Biomphalaria glabrata | New Zealand mud snail | New Zealand freshwater mussel | freshwater whitefish | Freshwater Senior Campus | Freshwater Place | Freshwater, New South Wales | freshwater mussels (''Anodonta dejecta'') | Freshwater hatchetfish | Freshwater Crocodile | Freshwater crocodile | Freshwater butterflyfish | Freshwater bivalve | Freshwater Biological Association |
Four species of the genus Solanum from Brazil are toxic to Biomphalaria glabrata.
Capsaspora is a monotypic genus containg the single species Capsaspora owczarzaki, a single-celled eukaryote which is a symbiont in the haemolymph of the tropical freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata.