Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD), the amount of oxygen needed to break down carbon compounds, excluding nitrogen compounds
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), a test commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in a water sample
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), the amount of oxygen needed by organisms to break down organic material present in a water sample
Theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD), the calculated amount of oxygen required to oxidize a compound to its final oxidation products
oxygen | Video on demand | video on demand | Oxygen | Thomas Demand | Oxygen (TV channel) | Winkler test for dissolved oxygen | supply and demand | Vinyl On Demand | Project Oxygen | print on demand | Payment on Demand | liquid oxygen | In Demand | Donna on Demand | Video On Demand | Theoretical oxygen demand | Supply and demand | Oxygen Studios | Oxygen radical absorbance capacity | Oxygen-free copper | Liquid oxygen | Demand Media | Demand-controlled ventilation | demand | Cross elasticity of demand | Chemical oxygen demand | Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand | Biochemical Oxygen Demand | Biochemical oxygen demand |