
unusual facts about Oxygen-free copper


Oxygen-free copper, pure copper without oxygen in its crystal lattice;

Aerated lagoon

Typically, the floating surface aerators are rated to deliver the amount of air equivalent to 1.8 to 2.7 kg kWh.

Angela V. Shelton

She was introduced to Frances Callier in Chicago, and the pair would later become Frangela, creating the animated TV series, Hey Monie!, which appeared on BET and Oxygen and won a NAMIC award.

Baltic Sea hypoxia

Baltic Sea hypoxia refers to low levels of oxygen in bottom waters, also known as hypoxia, occurring regularly in the Baltic Sea.

Chlorella pyrenoidosa

This algae was used in a 1961 study by Boeing to see about feasibility for the use of algae providing oxygen on space missions.

Comet Hyakutake

Observations of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) with the Chandra satellite in 2000 determined that X-rays observed from that comet were produced predominantly by charge exchange collisions between highly charged carbon oxygen and nitrogen minor ions in the solar wind, and neutral water, oxygen and hydrogen in the comet's coma.

Compounds of oxygen

Oxygen also occurs in phosphate (PO43−) groups in the biologically important energy-carrying molecules ATP and ADP, in the backbone and the purines (except adenine) and pyrimidines of RNA and DNA, and in bones as calcium phosphate and hydroxylapatite.


Degasification, the removal of dissolved gases, such as oxygen, from liquids.

Direct methanol fuel cell

Protons (H+) are transported across the proton exchange membrane - often made from Nafion - to the cathode where they react with oxygen to produce water.

Ernst Pringsheim, Sr.

(with Otto Lummer:) A Determination of the ratio k of the specific heat for air, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen.

Gas torus

In the Solar System, gas tori usually are produced by the interaction of a satellite's atmosphere with the magnetic field of a planet, most famously the Io plasma torus, which is produced by the ionization of roughly 1 ton per second of oxygen and sulfur from the tenuous atmosphere of Jupiter's volcanic moon, Io.


As the peat is buried under new peat or soil the oxygen is reduced, often by water logging, and further degradation by Anaerobic microbes, Anaerobic digestion can produce gyttja.

Henry Carrington Bolton

The celebration of the centennial of chemistry at Northumberland, Pennsylvania, the home of Joseph Priestley, who discovered oxygen in 1774, was suggested and brought about by Bolton.


Hypoiodous acid, a weak acid consisting of hydrogen, oxygen, and iodine atoms.

Houston, We've Got a Problem

The title of the film is a misquotation of the ominous announcement made by Commander Jim Lovell following the explosion of an oxygen tank which tore off the side of the spacecraft service module.

Hypoxic drive

Normal respiration is driven mostly by the levels of carbon dioxide in the arteries, which are detected by peripheral chemoreceptors, and very little by the oxygen levels.

Kenneth G. Miller

He has written more than 100 scientific papers, his most significant publications include widely cited synthesis of Cenozoic oxygen isotopes (Miller et al., 1987) and a synthesis of global sea-level change (Miller et al., 1998, 2005).


Karl Heinrich Ritthausen found legumin from peas, vetches, lentils, and field beans to contain the elements in the following proportions: carbon, 51.48%; hydrogen, 7.02%; nitrogen, 16.77%; and oxygen, 24.32%.

MET call

Interventions and tests that the MET call may include: Oxygen (via a mask), Blood glucose levels, CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure), X-ray, ECG, Vital signs, documentation and Spirometry.

Neuroscience and race

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures the brain activity through measuring the blood oxygen level in the brain.

Nigronia serricornis

Physiologically, Nigronia serricomis larva are adapted to maintain a constant oxygen consumption regardless of temperature, season or stage of larval development.

Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride

When there is an NADPH oxidase defect, the phagocyte is unable to make reactive oxygen species or radicals required for bacterial killing.

Northumberland, Pennsylvania

English chemist and co-discoverer of oxygen Joseph Priestley lived in Northumberland for the last decade of his life, until his death in 1804.

Orange juice

The largest producers of "not from concentrate" use a production process where the juice is placed in aseptic storage, with the oxygen stripped from it, for up to a year.


Thiazole, an analog with the oxygen replaced by a sulfur.

Oxford University Mountaineering Club

In 1988, Stephen Venables, a member of the club from 1972 to 1975, became the first British climber to reach the summit of Everest without the use of supplemental oxygen.

Oxidative folding

In fact, one of the proteins involved in the oxidative folding process uses a flavin-dependent reaction to pass electrons directly to molecular oxygen.

Oxygen demand

Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD), the amount of oxygen needed to break down carbon compounds, excluding nitrogen compounds

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), the amount of oxygen needed by organisms to break down organic material present in a water sample

Oxygen difluoride

In Robert L. Forward's science fiction novel Camelot 30K, oxygen difluoride was used as a biochemical solvent by fictional life forms living in the solar system's Kuiper belt.


Oxygenase, an enzyme that oxidizes a substrate by transferring the oxygen from molecular oxygen O2 (as in air) to it

Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

Known as a Charged Particle Accelerator (CPA), the nuclear accelerator is a 250 keV Ion accelerator which can deliver all Gaseous ions such as +H, +N, +O, +He, +Ne, +Ar, +Kr, +Xe or molecular ions.

Peter Hochachka

His work included studies of enzyme adaptation to temperature and pressure, the mechanisms underlying tolerance to low oxygen levels in animals, the bioenergetics of exercise, metabolism during diving in seals, allometric scaling, and human adaptations to high-altitude hypoxia.

Pichia stipitis

Found, among other places, in the guts of passalid beetles, S. stipitis is capable of both aerobic and oxygen limited fermentation, and has the highest known natural ability of any yeast to directly ferment xylose, converting it to ethanol, a potentially economically valuable trait.

Quebec-class submarine

Other incidents caused oxygen-fueled flames to burst out from the boats, which led to their crews to nickname them zazhigalka ("lighters") or Zippos after the well-known cigarette lighter.

Ray, North Dakota

Mary Sherman Morgan, inventor of Hydyne, which was combined with liquid oxygen to propel the first US rocket into orbit (1958)

Red cell

Red blood cell, a type of cell in the blood that transports oxygen

Reducing atmosphere

This proved to be a good environment for Cyanobacteria to evolve the first photosynthetic metabolic pathways which gradually increased the oxygen portion of the atmosphere, changing it to what is known as an oxidizing atmosphere.

Richard A Neubauer

Neubauer obtained a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the early 1970s, and established and directed the Ocean Hyperbaric Neurologic Center in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida.

Richard Halsey Best

However, on the morning flight Best had tested an oxygen bottle to be sure that it was not leaking caustic soda.

Sea Pole-class bathyscaphe

There are two onboard life supporting system based on that of Shenzhou 6 spacecraft, and additionally, there are two onboard oxygen generating systems independent of life supporting system for additional safety.

Service robot

The Woods Hole Sentry can descend to 4,500 metres and allows a higher payload as it does not need a support ship or the oxygen and other facilities demanded by human piloted vessels.

Sharee Miller

The trial made national headlines; Miller’s life was profiled on A&E American Justice, Investigation Discovery's Deadly Women and on the Oxygen Channel's true crime series Snapped.


Sulfite, a chemical ion composed of sulfur and oxygen with a 2− charge

Sodium thiosulfate

This particular use can be set up to measure the oxygen content of water through a long series of reactions in the Winkler test for dissolved oxygen.

Spatika Lingam

Sphatikam is made up of a continuous framework of SiO4 siliconoxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall formula Staffordshire blue brick

The brick is made from the local red clay, Etruria marl, which when fired at a high temperature in a low-oxygen reducing atmosphere takes on a deep blue colour and attains a very hard, impervious surface with high crushing strength and low water absorption.


In phagocytes, superoxide is produced in large quantities by the enzyme NADPH oxidase for use in oxygen-dependent killing mechanisms of invading pathogens.

Thomas B. Warren

In his two debates on the existence of God, Warren prefers versions of the Teleological Argument for the existence of God, using (in his debate with Flew) the alveoli in the lungs and the process of oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange as proof for an intelligent designer; in his debate with Matson, he used the circulatory system.


Winkler test for dissolved oxygen: Used to determine oxygen concentration in water.

Zinc–air battery

Cobalt oxide/carbon nanotube hybrid oxygen reduction catalyst and Nickel-iron layered double hydroxide oxygen evolution cathode catalysts exhibited higher catalytic activity and durability in concentrated alkaline electrolytes than precious metal Platinum and Iridium catalysts.

see also