
2 unusual facts about Oxyrhynchus


Fortunately, in Oxyrhynchus, a few papyrus fragments were found and published (P.Oxy 2309, 3693 and 3694).

Tadeusz Samuel Smoleński

Smoleński directed an archaeological expedition to Sharuna near Oxyrhynchus in 1907, discovering a huge necropolis of various periods; (see his article on the tomb of a Sixth Dynasty prince in ASAE8).

Dirk Obbink

He is as familiar with the poetry of Sappho or Simonides discovered in the Egyptian Oxyrhynchus papyri as he is with the technical-philosophical writings of the Epicurean Philodemus, the text of which he recovered from the carbonized papyrus rolls discovered in The Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum.


The name "Sayings of Jesus" (logia of Jesus) was given by Grenfell and Hunt to a leaf of a papyrus codex that was among their first season's finds at Oxyrhynchus in 1897.

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 236

Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 236 (P. Oxy. 236 or P. Oxy. II 236) consists of three fragments concerning Ptolemy Neos Dionysus (Auletes), written in Greek.

see also