The integrated circuit chip (ICC) contains information about the owner, including the PIN and one or more PKI digital certificates.
As President Sukarno moved closer to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in the early 60s, Yani, who was strongly anti-communist, became very wary of the PKI, especially after the party declared its support for the establishment of a fifth force (in addition to the four armed services and the police) and Sukarno tried to impose his Nasakom (Nationalism-Religion-Communism) doctrine on the military.
Buldas was a leading contributor to the Estonian Digital Signature Act and ID-card from 1996 to 2002, currently the only national-level public-key infrastructure (PKI) which has achieved widespread adoption by a country's population for legally binding digital signatures.
Wilopo of the PNI was elected speaker, and Prawoto Manhkusasmito (Masjumi), with Fatchurahman Kafrawi (NU), Johannes Leimena (Parkindo), Sakirman (PKI) and Hidajat Ratu Aminah (IPKI) as deputy speakers.
Cryptographic log-on (CLO) is a process that uses Common Access Cards (CAC) and embedded Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates to authenticate a user's identification to a workstation and network.
Although root access is available on the Droid X, the bootloader is secured and uses PKI to check the signature of the kernel.
The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the "New Order"; the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was eliminated as a political force, and the upheavals led to the downfall of president Sukarno and the commencement of Suharto's thirty-year presidency.
iText provides support for most advanced PDF features such as PKI-based signatures, 40-bit and 128-bit encryption, color correction, Tagged PDF, PDF forms (AcroForms), PDF/X, color management via ICC profiles and barcodes.
By 1968 the PKI was no longer seen as a credible threat to military power, Kopkamtib's role as the New Order's main security apparatus remained, as did its surveillance of citizens.
The article continued to explain the difference Marhaenisme teachings of Bung Karno and Marxism - Leninist doctrine PKI.
After the re-discovery and commercial use of PKI by Rivest, Shamir, Diffie and others, the British government considered releasing the records of GCHQ's successes in this field.