
unusual facts about Pablo González Bernardo

Pablo González Bernardo

Pablo González was born in Oviedo, Spain, and studied at the Conservatoire in his hometown and in London at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

see also

David del Puerto

His works have been performed by soloists the likes of Ernest Rombout, Ananda Sukarlan, Miquel Bernat, Ángel Luis Castaño, Manuel Guillén, Evelyn Glennie and Sarah Leonard, and conducted by the likes of Ed Spanjaard, Sakari Oramo, Diego Masson, Luca Pfaff, José Ramón Encinar, Josep Pons, Pedro Halffter, Fabián Panisello, Tapio Tuomela, Pablo González Bernardo, Pablo Heras, Dmitri Loos, etc.