
unusual facts about Packing

Distillation Design

Packing design and packing efficiency: packing types, packing hydraulics and capacities, determination of packing efficiency by transfer unit method and by HETP method, packed column sizing

Active Minds

The Send Silence Packing display was first hosted on the National Mall in Washington, DC in April 2008 with over 10,000 visitors and special guest speaker Congressman Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), and traveled to the University of Pennsylvania as a display at the annual Active Minds Conference in November 2008.

Ball Park Franks

A Frankfurt, Germany, meat-packing company called Hygrade Food Products won a competition in 1959 to be the exclusive supplier of hot dogs to the Detroit Tigers stadium.

Breitenau, Germany

George J. Rath, founder of the Rath Packing Company, a defunct American meat packing company that lasted from 1891-1985

Buy to let

The infamous landlord Peter Rachman started a trend of harassing existing tenants (who had security of tenure and rent controls) until they left, then packing in new tenants who had fewer restrictions and no cap on rent charged.

Camp Onway

As the story goes, he died while packing his car to go to Lawrence, Kansas with the Order of the Arrow (OA).

Close-packing of equal spheres

The problem of close-packing of spheres was first mathematically analyzed by Thomas Harriot around 1587, after a question on piling cannonballs on ships was posed to him by Sir Walter Raleigh on their expedition to America.

Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt

By the middle of his second term, much criticism of Roosevelt centered on fears that he was heading toward a dictatorship, by attempting to seize control of the Supreme Court in the Court-packing incident of 1937, attempting to eliminate dissent within the Democratic party in the South during the 1938 elections, and by breaking the tradition established by George Washington of not seeking a third term when he again ran for re-election in 1940.

Daniel W. Mills

He moved to Corwin, Ohio, in 1859 and engaged in the mercantile, grain-shipping, and pork-packing businesses.

De Bruijn's theorem

In a 1969 paper, Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn proved several results about packing congruent rectangular bricks (of any dimension) into larger rectangular boxes, in such a way that no space is left over.


Clover was introduced in Japan by the Dutch as packing material for fragile cargo.

Edmund A. Gann

In 1997, Edmund Gann partnered with Tri-Marine International, Inc. of Singapore and Thai Union International of Bangkok to create Tri-Union Seafoods LLC which acquired the San Diego, California based canned tuna processing and packing company, Chicken of the Sea.

Edmund Rice College

To raise funds for the 2009 trip to Zambia, pupils volunteered to visit supermarkets, such as Tesco and Sainsbury's, in order to receive donations from packing customers shopping bags.

Edward Tessier

Beyond Pomona, 2007 saw the reopening of Claremont's Padua Hills Theater, the development of lofts in Ontario, and the debut of the Packinghouse venue in the new Claremont Village West area which turned a building once used for packing lemons and oranges in the early 1900s into a commercial venue that includes restaurants, retail, lofts, and the Hip Kitty Jazz and Fondue venue.

Fast Food Nation

Schlosser discusses his findings on meat packing companies IBP, Inc. and on Kenny Dobbins.

Forest Range, South Australia

The Forest Range Fruitgrowers' Co-Operative Society was one of the main sites of apple packing and storage until it was absorbed by the nearby Lenswood Cold Store in the 1950s.

Frederick W. Griffith

The company manufactured packing and sealing products; and was taken over by Colt Industries in 1975.

Gaucho Serenade

Ronnie does not know that his father, Frederick Willoughby (Lester Matthews), is actually in San Quentin State Prison, framed for embezzlement by his employer, Edward Martin (Joseph Crehan) of the Western Packing Company, to cover his own criminal activities.

Gentle Giant Moving Company

In the movie The Departed, Detective Sergeant Sullivan's girlfriend Madolyn used Gentle Giant boxes when she was packing her old apartment to move into Sullivan's apartment.

Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard

In Chicago, Hubbard became a leading figure in the fur trade and opened the first meat packing plant in Chicago as part of his work to supply Fort Dearborn with meat.

Hamming bound

In mathematics and computer science, in the field of coding theory, the Hamming bound is a limit on the parameters of an arbitrary block code: it is also known as the sphere-packing bound or the volume bound from an interpretation in terms of packing balls in the Hamming metric into the space of all possible words.

Ike Duffey

Duffey, along with his brother John, was the founder and owner of the meatpacking company Duffey Farms, owners of the Hughes-Curry Packing Co. of Anderson from 1946 to 1949 (Duffey Farms is today part of the Emge Meats conglomerate).

India House, Manchester

India House in Whitworth Street, Manchester, England, is a packing and shipping warehouse built in 1906 for Lloyd's Packing Warehouses Limited, which had, by merger, become the dominant commercial packing company in early-twentieth-century Manchester.

Jan Williamson

She is known for winning the Archibald Prize Packing Room Prize twice in a row: in 2002 with a portrait of Jenny Morris—which also won the People's Choice Award—and again in 2003 with a portrait of actor Rachel Ward.

Jimmy Archer

After his retirement from baseball, Archer worked as a hog purchaser for the Armour meat packing company in Chicago.

La Vieille Charité

Plagued by squatters, pillagers and vandals, it eventually housed 146 families living in squalid and unsafe conditions, a group of around 30 Little Sisters of Jesus living in equally abject conditions to their charges, and various small concerns, devoted amongst other things to transport, packing of anchovies and ripening of bananas.

Lancaster House, Manchester

Lancaster House in Whitworth Street, Manchester, England, was a packing and shipping warehouse built between 1905 and 1910 for Lloyd's Packing Warehouses Limited, which had, by merger, become the dominant commercial packing company in early-twentieth-century Manchester.

Larry George

George works in Newberg as the manager of his family’s hazelnut processing company, George Packing Company, and is host of his own talk show on radio stations KXL and KUIK.

László Fejes Tóth

The approach that Fejes Tóth suggested in that work, which translates as "packing of objects in a plane, on a sphere and in a space", provided Thomas Hales a basis for a proof of the Kepler conjecture in 1998.

Leander Clark

In California, he engaged in mining, packing, and trading, principally in the vicinity of Shasta and Yreka.

Lowell Mellett

As editor at the Washington Daily News he clashed with the chain's management over FDR's court-packing plan; immediately upon his resignation in 1937, FDR telephoned him to recruit his services.


Moving company, a service which helps with packing, moving and storage

Muriel Gardiner

The daughter of Edward Morris, president of the Morris & Company meat-packing business, and Helen Swift, a member of the family which owned Swift & Company, another meat-packing firm, she was born into a family of wealth and privilege.


On the 9th of July, the packing of the skeleton into 35 crates started in order for transportation to Dalanzadgad, once packed, many of the crates weighed over a ton.

Orange Belt Railway

The Armour meat packing family in Chicago helped fund the line's extension from Trilby to San Antonio.

Pack goat

Goat packing was popularized in the U.S. in the 1980s and 1990s by John Mionczynski of Atlantic City, Wyoming.

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void is a non-fiction work by science author Mary Roach.

In Packing for Mars, Roach searches for answers to questions about the gross, the bizarre, and the uncomfortable aspects of space travel.

Peter Myers

Peter Myers Pork Packing Plant, a famous packing house in Janesville, Wisconsin, built in 1851

Pollen basket

Karl von Frisch and other bee researchers have observed that individual honey bees vary in their efficiency in packing pollen into the pollen basket; some are more efficient, others less.

Sahlen's Stadium

This was part of a ten-year naming rights agreement with Sahlen's Packing Company, Inc. of Buffalo, New York.

Stop Court-Packing Act

Stop Court-Packing Act (H.R. 2239) is legislation that was introduced in the 113th United States Congress on June 4, 2013, with the full title of the bill stating to "reduce the number of Federal judgeships for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit".


Other industrial enterprises in the town include the manufacturing of furniture for IKEA, a construction company, a wood-chemical plant (producing rosin, resin, turpentine, and other such wood-based chemicals), a meat-packing plant, a dairy plant, a bread factory, and other light enterprises.

Tullimaar House

These troops brought all their stores with them and when they eventually left on D-Day, all the packing cases, some of which were not even opened, were dumped in Rosemanowes Quarry.

Wards Cove Packing Company

Wards Cove Packing Company was a cannery located in the community of Ward Cove, on the northern outskirts of the larger city of Ketchikan in the U.S. state of Alaska.

Zanvil A. Cohn

His father had come to New York from Düsseldorf at age 19 in 1905 and after working for some years in his Uncle Josef’s butcher shop in Manhattan became an owner of Kansas Packing, a meat packing firm in New York.

see also