
unusual facts about Pagemaker


Adobe PageMaker |

Adobe After Effects

CoSA along with After Effects was then acquired by Aldus corporation in July 1993, which was then acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with it PageMaker and After Effects.

Italica Press

In 1992, Italica produced its first book created entirely in Aldus Pagemaker; appropriately it was a tribute to the Renaissance scholar and printer Aldus Manutius.

TeleType Co., Inc.

From the MicroSetter product line evolved the T-Script PostScript interpreter (also referred to in the industry as a Raster image processor) which converted output from popular PostScript based WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) programs such as PageMaker, Microsoft Word and MacWrite to non PostScript printers which were much more economical at the time.

see also