The company is named after 15th-century Venetian printer Aldus Manutius, and was founded by Jeremy Jaech, Mark Sundstrom, Mike Templeman, Dave Walter, and chairman Paul Brainerd.
Some software companies that employed the Hexachrome system were Aldus (now Adobe), Adobe Photoshop, and QuarkXPress; as well as the printer manufacturers HP, Epson, and Xerox.
CoSA along with After Effects was then acquired by Aldus corporation in July 1993, which was then acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with it PageMaker and After Effects.
Aldus developed a realist style, influenced in part by the French artist Jules Bastien-Lepage and the colourful primitivism of Cézanne.
Other Aldus accolades include full membership election in 1994 to UA United Artists.
His Father, John Macdonald Aldus was a Company Sergeant Major in the South Wales Borderers, as was his father, killed in action in the Khyber pass.
In 1992, Italica produced its first book created entirely in Aldus Pagemaker; appropriately it was a tribute to the Renaissance scholar and printer Aldus Manutius.
It was Paul Brainerd, Aldus' chairman, who gave the industry the name "desktop publishing."