Orfila rallied support in the OAS for Carter's campaign pledge to renegotiate U.S. presence in the Panama Canal Zone, a contentious issue across Latin America.
There, at the age of 26, he began research of the island from the Barro Colorado Island Research Station that was located in the Panama Canal Zone.
Before being promoted to major general on 1 February 1936, Butner commanded additional units and had once again traveled across America before taking command of the Panama Canal Department.
Mulholland was commissioned into active duty as a second lieutenant through the Reserve Officers' Training Corps in 1978 and was posted with the 193rd Infantry Brigade in the Panama Canal Zone.
William Knox Martin, a Virginia-born early aviation pioneer and flyer, and his wife Isabel Vieco, who were married in the Canal Zone in Panama in 1921.
Los Rios a Township in the former Panama Canal Zone located near the townships of Corozal and Cardenas.
Although Chagres fell outside the original boundary of the Panama Canal Zone, that boundary was expanded in 1916 to include the Chagres River's mouth.
Documentary filmmaker Theo Uittenbogaard made a film about the Panama Canal zone, entitled 'The Treaty', which was released and aired on the Dutch national TV-channel VPRO in the series 'Macchiavelli' in 1976.
Subsequent assignments included Naval Hospital, Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, Naval Hospital, Puget Sound, Naval Hospital, Corona, CA.
During her years of service, her duty stations included the Canal Zone, Australia, and New Guinea.
Passenger carrying service was initiated on the November 19, 1931, with a S-40 piloted by Charles Lindbergh, flying from Miami, Florida to the Panama Canal Zone with stops at Cienfuegos, Cuba; Kingston, Jamaica and Barranquilla, Colombia.
WVUB was previously used by a radio station operated by the US armed forces in the Panama Canal Zone.
Panama | Suez Canal | The Twilight Zone | Panama City | Panama Canal | The Twilight Zone (1959 TV series) | Negative Zone | Panama Canal Zone | Eastern Time Zone | canal | Grand Union Canal | Panamá | Manchester Ship Canal | Twilight Zone | Erie Canal Commission | Canal+ | Leeds and Liverpool Canal | Korean Demilitarized Zone | Erie Canal | The Dead Zone (TV series) | The Dead Zone | Pacific Time Zone | Oxford Canal | Hardiness zone | Central Time Zone (North America) | Wabash and Erie Canal | Ponce Historic Zone | Panama-Pacific International Exposition | Metekel Zone | Colón, Panama |
The regiment performed garrison and defense duties in Puerto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone during World War I and World War II and served with distinction during the Korean War before being transferred to the Puerto Rico National Guard in 1956.
During World War II, he served as a Red Cross field representative in Puerto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone.
His commissions included final negotiations which resulted in the acquisition of the Panama Canal Zone, service as special ambassador to France to receive the body of John Paul Jones and Special Envoy Extraordinary to Japan, arranging the visit of the U.S. fleet to that country in 1908.
They were assigned to specific outposts in the Panama Canal, Miami, Florida, the Hawaiian Sea Frontier at Pearl Harbor, in the Central Pacific, and a training center in Melville, Rhode Island.
Jean and her father can be found later listed on a passenger manifest of the SS Belgenland which arrived in the Port of Los Angeles on December 29, 1927 from Balboa, Panama Canal Zone.
After spending Christmas and New Year's Day in Cristobal in the Canal Zone, Return of Dove sailed through the Panama Canal with both Robin and Patti aboard (so Robin ended up not completing his entire journey alone) and reached Balboa on January 17, 1970.
Following two years with the 3rd Attack Group at Fort Crockett, Texas, he served as a flying instructor from 1932-1936 at Randolph Field and with the Sixth Bomb Group at France Field in the Panama Canal Zone from 1937 to 1939.