
unusual facts about Pandavas


Kosala Kingdom

During the time of Kurukshetra War, and the reign of Pandavas and Kauravas, we find mention of numerous kingdoms with the name, Kosala (as per the references in Mahabharata).


Kursela is a variant of Kuru-Shila, which translates as the hilly part of the region which once belonged to the king Kuru, the descendents of whom were called Kauravas and, in the Mahabharata, waged a war with the Pandavas, their cousins.


A viewpoint, according to legend one of the many hiding places of the Pandavas and Panchali.


Jayadratha was very effective in stopping four of the five pandavas from entering Chakravyūha (by making use of a boon granted to him by Lord Shiva); Abhimanyu was very effective in holding all the Kaurava Mahārathis (Great Charioteers, colloquially 'Great Warriors') at bay and thereby preventing the advancement of Kaurava forces towards the Pandavas.

The Chakravyūha or Padmavyūha was a special formation (Vyūha), and knowledge of how to penetrate it was limited to only a handful of warriors on the Pandavas' side, namely Abhimanyu, Arjuna, Krishna and Pradyumna.


Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas in the Indian epic Mahabharata


Pandupole was the ancient site where the strongest among the Pandavas, Bhima, vanquished the giant demon Hidimbb and in return for this victory earned the hand of his sister, Hidimba.


You can find some ancient caves with the supposed footprints of Bhima (Pandavas).

Sindhu Kingdom

On a particular day in the Kurukshetra battle due to absence of Arjuna fighting elsewhere, Jayadratha could stop the Pandavas (except Arjuna) and helped kill Abhimanyu treacherously for Kauravas.


About 6 miles to the north-west is the Gopalpura hill, 1,651 feet above sea-level, or about 600 above the surrounding plain ; and legend says that where the village of Gopalpura now stands there was in old days a city called Dronpur, built by and named after Guru Drona Charya, the tutor of the Pandavas.

Sumbha and Nisumbha

In Shashi Tharoor's satirical novel The Great Indian Novel, the story of Sumbha and Nisumbha is used both as a warning against the dangers of seduction, and as a metaphor for the collapse of the relationship between the five Pandavas.


It is said to be as old as Dwapar Yug.As the legend goes, it is believed that Bhima of The Mahabharata fame, was sent here to call for the services or blessings of the then pujari of the temple, Saint Shyam Pandia, for the Tilak ceremony of Yudhisthira after the Battle of Kurukshetra was won by Pandavas.

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