
5 unusual facts about Sindhu Kingdom

Sindhu Kingdom

At (5:133) we find Kunti telling the story of Vidula who persuaded her son, who was the king of Sauvira but banished by the Sindhu king, to fight against the Sindhus and take back his kingdom from them:- The princess Vidula, one day, rebuked her own son, who, after his defeat by the king of the Sindhus, lay prostrate with heart depressed by despair (5:133).

Those warriors that are opposed to Arjuna, viz., the Sauvirakas, the Sindhava-Pauravas, headed by Karna, are regarded as foremost of car-warriors (7:108).

The steeds consisting of the best of the Kamvoja breed as also of those born in the country of the Rivers, and of those belonging to Aratta and Mahi and Sindhu, and of those of Vanayu also that were white in hue, and lastly those of hilly countries were the different types of horse employed in this war (6:91).

On a particular day in the Kurukshetra battle due to absence of Arjuna fighting elsewhere, Jayadratha could stop the Pandavas (except Arjuna) and helped kill Abhimanyu treacherously for Kauravas.

Also Jayadratha had played vital role in Kurukshetra battle and he was killed by Arjuna.

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