
2 unusual facts about Papilio


The species in this genus mimic butterflies of the agehana-group in the Papilio genus and Atrophaneura alcinous


"Princeps" is also the name of an obsolete genus of Swallowtail butterflies (now merged with the genus Papilio).

Aammiq Wetland

A Rocha personnel recorded several new records of species since 1998 such as: Oriental marbled skipper (Carcharodus boeticus), Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius), False Apollo (Archon apollinus), Large White (Pieris brassicae), Plain tiger (Danaus chrysippus), Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus).

Papilio amynthor

The Norfolk Swallowtail (Papilio amynthor) is a butterfly of the Papilionidae family, that is found in New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands and Norfolk Island.

Papilio anactus

Papilio anactus is not present on Kangaroo Island or Western Australia where there are currently insufficient citrus trees.

Papilio arnoldiana

Papilio arnoldiana is a member of the cynorta species-group.

Papilio fuelleborni

Papilio fuelleborni is a member of the echerioides species-group.

Papilio godeffroyi

Papilio godeffroyi is endemic to all of Samoa, but it is now found only on the island of Tutuila, where it is uncommon but widespread and restricted to undisturbed or near-undisturbed rainforest.

Papilio hospiton

Papilio hospiton is similar to Papilio machaon, but the wings are more rounded, and the hindwing is provided with a short tooth instead of a tail.

Papilio morondavana

Anterior wings marked nearly as in P. erithonioides, the basal third being densely irrorated with stramineous scales in lieu of the small spots or lines of the same colour arranged in nearly parallel rows in Papilio erithonioides.


Thais Fabricius, 1807 (Mag. Insekt 6: 283) type Papilio hypsiphyle Fabricius by monotypy.

see also