
unusual facts about Parachute Club

Evelyne Datl

Datl has played piano/keyboards in live performance and on recordings of many award-winning Canadian artists, notably Shirley Eikhard, Alannah Myles, Lorraine Segato and Parachute Club.

see also

Bruce Dalling

He owned his own aircraft, a Cessna 210 Centurion named "Charlie" and participated in sky-diving and was instrumental in establishing the Pietermaritzburg Parachute Club.

Julie Masi

Masi, originally from Winnipeg, joined the Parachute Club in 1983, after its initial founding members, Billy Bryans, Lorraine Segato and Lauri Conger, had been offered a management and recording contract with Current Records.

Parachute Association of South Africa

Skydive Robertson (Western Province Sport Parachute Club) - Student Operations, operates out of Robertson Airfield in the Western Cape town of Robertson at the heart of South Africa's wine route Route 62 (South Africa) - 147km from Cape Town.