
3 unusual facts about Parnassia

Cataract bog

Other plants found in cataract bogs are limeseep grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia grandifolia), Indian paint brush (Castilleja coccinea), stiff cowbane (Oxypolis rigidior), Appalachian bluet (Houstonia serpyllifolia) and northern sundrops (Oenothera tetragona).


Three Grass of Parnassus flowers appear on the Flag of Cumberland, a British county, as that flower grows on Cumberland's lofty fells.

:Grass of Parnassus is also the title of a book of poetry by Andrew Lang.


Parnassia |


In 2001, a DNA study showed that Lepuropetalon and Parnassia were much closer to each other than to any others.

Wet meadow

A few of many possible examples include species of Rhexia, Parnassia, Lobelia, many species of wild orchids (e.g. Calopogon and Spiranthes), and carnivorous plants such as Sarracenia and Drosera.

see also