
unusual facts about Sarracenia

Serres de l'Université de Bourgogne

They preserve various threatened plants of Bourgogne, and also contain a range of tropical and sub-tropical genera such as Psilotum and Lycopodium, tropical aquatics such as Eichhornia and Salvinia, carnivorous plants including Sarracenia and Darlingtonia, and epiphytes including Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae.


Many rare and usual herbaceous plants are found here, particularly orchids (e.g. Calopogon species, Pogonia ophioglossoides), sedges (e.g. Rhynchospora species) and carnivorous plants (e.g. Sarracenia species).

Heliamphora sarracenioides

Heliamphora sarracenioides (Latin: Sarracenia = genus of North American pitcher plants, -oides = resembling) is a species of marsh pitcher plant endemic to Ptari Tepui in Bolívar state, Venezuela.

S. rosea

Sarracenia rosea, a newly named species from Sarracenia purpurea

Wet meadow

A few of many possible examples include species of Rhexia, Parnassia, Lobelia, many species of wild orchids (e.g. Calopogon and Spiranthes), and carnivorous plants such as Sarracenia and Drosera.

see also