He had been betrothed to Eudoxia on a former occasion; the circumstances surrounding the failed negotiations are unclear, but George Akropolites states that the arrangement was blocked on religious grounds by the Orthodox Patriarch Manuel Sarantenos: Robert's sister Marie de Courtenay was married to Emperor Theodore I Laskaris.
He is consecrated in 1219 as the first Archbishop of the Serbian church, given autocephaly by Patriarch Manuel I of Constantinople, who was then in exile at Nicaea.
Constantinople | Patriarch | Manuel Noriega | Joan Manuel Serrat | Photios I of Constantinople | Manuel I of Portugal | Manuel de Falla | Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem | Juan Manuel Santos | patriarch | Manuel L. Quezon | Manuel Belgrano | Manuel Alejandro | Manuel Castells | Fall of Constantinople | Manuel Zelaya | Manuel Álvarez Bravo | Juan Manuel de Rosas | Víctor Manuel | Richard Manuel | Manuel Requena | Manuel Mujica Láinez | Manuel II of Portugal | Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem | Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople | Third Council of Constantinople | Patriarch of Alexandria | Patriarch Nikon | Manuel Roxas | Manuel Pineda Munoz |