
unusual facts about Patriarchs

António Ribeiro

He died of cancer in Lisbon in 1998 two months before his 70th birthday and is buried in the tomb of the patriarchs in the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora.

Barbarigo family

The Barbarigo were among the most influent Venetian families and have generated bishops, cardinals and patriarchs, including Gregorio Barbarigo, who was born in the Palazzo Barbarigo Minotto in 1625.

Christianity in Lebanon

The Armenian Orthodox Church has two catholicos (Sis and Etschmiadzin) and two patriarchs (Constantinople and Jerusalem).

Cosmos Rossellius

In contrast heaven is depicted as the throne of Christ, surrounded by a celestial hierarchy of Apostles, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs, Confessors, virgins, Holy Hebrews and an enormous array of saints.


Of particular importance are the famous Arian theologian Eunomius of Cyzicus; Saint Dalmatius; bishops Proclus and Germanus, who became Patriarchs of Constantinople; and Saint Emilian, a martyr in the eighth century.

Evel Rabbati

In this connection it is said that only the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob may correctly be called the fathers of the Hebrew race, and only the four women Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah, the matriarchs.

Haplogroup R-M420

Bryan Sykes in his book Blood of the Isles gives imaginative names to the founders or "clan patriarchs" of major British Y haplogroups, much as he did for mitochondrial haplogroups in his work The Seven Daughters of Eve.

Ignatius of Moscow

Due to his active role in the installation of False Dmitriy I to the Moscow throne and later conversion to the Unia, Ignatius has suffered from damnatio memoriae in subsequent ages and often is not counted among the legitimate patriarchs by the Russian Orthodox Church.

José Sebastião de Almeida Neto

On 28 April 1928, the body was exhumed and solemnly translated to Lisbon, where he was buried on 30 April at the tomb of the patriarchs of the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora.

Midrash Tadshe

Especially noteworthy is section 8, on "the ages of the pious," the Patriarchs, the Matriarchs, and the twelve sons of Jacob, giving also the dates of their births.

Mikayel Chamchian

Chamchian provided a chronology for the Armenian patriarchs (as laid down by Movses Khorenatsi in his History of Armenia), dating Haik's battle with Belus, and thus the formation of the Armenian people, to August 11, 2492 BC.

Paulinus II of Aquileia

Meanwhile, from Charlemagne, Paulinus obtained diplomas for the free election of the future patriarchs by the cathedral chapter of Aquileia, and other privileges for his patriarchate as well as for the monastery of St. Mary in Organo, the church of St. Lawrence in Buja, and the hospitals of St. John at Cividale and St. Mary at Verona.

Sedia gestatoria

It is thought the privilege of the portable throne was granted by the Popes to the Cardinal Patriarchs of that city at great expense due to the efforts of King John V along with many other honours.

Sophronius of Jerusalem

Soon after his enthronement he forwarded his noted synodical letter to Pope Honorius I and to the Eastern patriarchs, explaining the orthodox belief in the two natures, human and divine, of Christ, as opposed to Monothelitism, which he viewed as a subtle form of heretical Monophysitism (which posited a single divine nature for Christ).


Because they did not recognize the authority of the Latin Patriarchs following the Council of Florence, the group of churchmen opposing the Council and its Union called themselves the Synaxis.

Tourism in the Palestinian territories

According to the tradition, this is the burial place of the great patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) and matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah).


While the Patriarchs lived righteously as shepherds, Joseph remained holy in Egypt, surrounded by impurity, tested by Potiphar's wife, captive in prison, and then active as viceroy to Pharaoh.

see also