Quercius (P.G., XCII, 1333 sqq.) assigns it to George Pisida, deacon, archivist, and sacristan of Hagia Sophia whose poems find an echo both in style and in theme in the Akathist; the elegance, antithetic and balanced style, the vividness of the narrative, the flowers of poetic imagery being all very suggestive of his work.
Epiphanius the Monk (Epiphanius Monachus, Epiphanios of Constantinople, 8th or 9th century) was a monk and priest in the Kallistratos monastery in Constantinople and author of several extant works including a life of the Virgin Mary and a life of St. Andrew the Apostle (PG 120.179–286).
Maran, P., Paris, 1742 (the Benedictine edition, reprinted in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, Vol. VI. Paris, 1857).
He is a specialist on St. Athanasius and the Alexandrian theologians and is responsible for updating with critical introductions the Athens reprint of Migne's Patrologia Graeca (about 80 volumes published so far).