
4 unusual facts about Paul Broca

Behavioral neurology

While descriptions of behavioral syndromes go back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, it was during the 19th century that behavioral neurology began to arise, first with the primitive localization theories of Franz Gall, followed in the mid 19th century by the first localizations in aphasias by Paul Broca and then Carl Wernicke.


He rejected claims of Paul Broca concerning the lack of fertility of unions of European settlers and Aboriginal Australians; and relied on data of John Bachman of the fertility of mulatto (mixed race) persons.

Paul Broca

Pierre Paul Broca was born on June 28, 1824, in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Bordeaux, France, the son of Benjamin Broca, a medical practitioner and former surgeon in Napoleon’s service.

He also advocated secular education for women and famously opposed Félix-Antoine-Philibert Dupanloup (1802–1878), Roman Catholic bishop of Orléans, who wanted to keep control of women’s education.

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