
4 unusual facts about Paul Heyse

Otto Roquette

Roquette befriended the German author Paul Heyse and, like Heyse, was a member of the literary group "Rütli".

Paul Heyse

A member of two important literary societies, the Tunnel über der Spree in Berlin and Die Krokodile in Munich, he wrote novels, poetry, 177 short stories, and about sixty dramas.

His family connections gained him early entry to the artistic circles of Berlin, where he made the acquaintance of Emanuel Geibel, a man fifteen years his elder who was to become his literary mentor and lifelong friend, and who introduced him to his future father-in-law, the art historian and writer Franz Kugler.

Throughout his career Heyse worked as a translator, above all of Italian literature (Leopardi, Giusti).

Alexander Duncker

Among the authors he published were Thekla von Gumpert, Ida Hahn-Hahn, Paul Heyse, Karl von Holtei, August Kopisch, Fanny Lewald, Elise Polko, Christian Friedrich Scherenberg, Hermann von Pücker-Muskau, and Friedrich von Uechtriz.

see also