
unusual facts about Paul Schneider

Paul Schneider

Paul A. Schneider (b. 1944), Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2008–09

Cloaking device

Inspired in part by the 1958 film Run Silent, Run Deep, Star Trek screenwriter Paul Schneider imagined cloaking as a space-travel analog of a submarine submerging, and employed it in the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror".

Freddy Spaghetti

When Leslie complains to city planner Mark (Paul Schneider) about her situation, she learns he has taken a buyout and plans to join a construction company, partially in response to Ann (Rashida Jones) having broken up with him.

Summer Catalog

Tom (Aziz Ansari) is tasked with taking the cover photo of the summer catalog, and convinces Ann (Rashida Jones) and Mark (Paul Schneider) to pose for photos at a community park.

see also