
3 unusual facts about Paul Valéry

Carlos Mastronardi

His non-fiction Valéry o la infinitud del método (Valéry, or the infinitude of method) won the Buenos Aires Municipal Prize for Literature (1955).

Paul Valéry

The title was chosen late in the poem's gestation; it refers to the youngest of the three Parcae (the minor Roman deities also called The Fates), though for some readers the connection with that mythological figure is tenuous and problematic.

Vittorio Sereni

He was a prolific translator, rendering into Italian the works of Pierre Corneille, Paul Valéry and William Carlos Williams, among others.

Federico Cantú Garza

He was especially fond of 15th-century French poet François Villon, but also read much of the work of Alfonso Reyes, Renato Leduc, Efraín Huerta, Jean Nicolas, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Valéry, Lord Byron, Goethe, André Malraux, and Paul Éluard .

Liang Zongdai

His translation of Tao Qian's poems into French was published by Lemarget, Paris in 1930, with a preface by Paul Valéry whom the young poet had visited at home in 1926.

Office at Night

During this time, according to entries in the diary kept by his wife Josephine (‘Jo’), he occupied himself by reading a book by the French essayist, Paul Valéry.


Between the two World Wars, the island was visited by numerous figures of the artistic and literary world: Jean Paulhan, André Malraux, André Gide, Saint-John Perse, Paul Valéry and Jules Supervielle.

Residencia de Estudiantes

Many prominent figures came to the Residencia for that purpose, people such as Albert Einstein, Paul Valéry, Marie Curie, Igor Stravinsky, John M. Keynes, Alexander Calder, Walter Gropius, Henri Bergson and Le Corbusier.

Serge Ivanoff

A talented portraitist, he executed the portraits of many personalities, among which were the Pope Pius XI, Serge Lifar, Yvette Chauviré, Arthur Honegger, Edwige Feuillère, Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke of Russia, Princess Vassili, Aleksandr Benois, Zinaida Serebriakova, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov, Alexandre Barbera-Ivanoff, Paul Valéry, Jacques Fath, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jefferson Caffery.

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