Columnar structure is common in the subsoil of sodium affected soils and soils rich in swelling clays such as the semectites and the kandite Halloysite.
In the granular structure, the structural units are approximately spherical or polyhedral and are bounded by curved or very irregular faces that are not casts of adjoining peds.
Limited Continental AG, Biocon, Titan Industries Limited's - Precision Engineering Division (PED), Shetron & SKF India etc.
One of the first Premier League players to use Twitter to communicate with fans, in January 2011, Babel posted an photoshopped image on Twitter of referee Howard Webb in a Manchester United shirt following Liverpool's 1–0 defeat to United in the FA Cup.
Mohan is also a distinguished translator and has published translation of several prose works—most notably Dehra Mein Ab Bhi Ugte Hain Hamare Ped (देहरा में अब भी उगते हैं हमारे पेड़ - translation of Ruskin Bond's Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra).
In 1914 he was capped twice by England at amateur level, playing in an 8–1 victory in Brussels against the Belgium national team and a 3–0 defeat to the Denmark national side in Copenhagen.