In March 1945, Bircha, Lisko, and most of Peremyshl Raion (including Peremyshl city) were transferred to Poland.
In the 13th century the Halych Principality as part of the Ruthenian (Rus) Kingdom stretched from Peremyshl to Podolia, form Mukacheve to Terebovl, and from Busk to the Southern Bucovina.
As part of the Rus Principality the area was later organized as the Volodymyr-Volynsky Principality some lands of which later were organized into numerous other smaller principalities of Terebovlia, Zvenyhorod, Peremyshl.
Principality of Terebovlia was a Kievan Rus principality established as an appanage principality ca 1084 and was given to Vasilko Rostislavich (his brothers, Volodar Rostyslavych and Riuryk Rostyslavych, ruled Peremyshl and Zvenyhorod and respectively).
Chełm, Belz, San River, Peremyshl (east of Podkarpackie Voivodeship and Lublin Voivodeship), former principality and a constituent land of Ruthenia
Lisowczycy broke contact with his forces, burned Belyov and Likhvin, took Peremyshl, turned north, defeated Muscovy army at Rzhev, turned to Kara Sea, then to Kashin, burned Torzhok, returned to Poland without any interference from Muscovite forces.
Lisowski's men broke contact with other forces, burned Belyov and Likhvin, took Peremyshl, turned north, defeated a Muscovite army at Rzhev, turned towards the Kara Sea coast, then to Kashin, burned Torzhok, returned to Commonwealth without any further contact with Muscovy forces.