The election of a center-left Peronist, Néstor Kirchner, resulted in Sileoni's appointment as Vice Minister of Education in June 2003, a post he held until Minister Daniel Filmus transferred him to the City of Buenos Aires, in March 2006.
The cautious Lastiri continued Cámpora's populist socio-economic policies; inheriting a growing threat from an increasingly armed Peronist Youth and the newly-active Trotskyite People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), which, in only three months, attacked a military installation and murdered a number of military figures, he replaced Interior Minister Righi and called elections for September 23.
Even though the Peronist party was not allowed to enter the ballot, Frondizi's victory was influenced by Perón's instructions to his loyal base, given from his exile in Madrid, to tactically vote for Frondizi.
Shortly before the historic, June 30, 1996, elections to these posts, however, a senior Peronist Senator, Antonio Cafiero, succeeded in limiting the city's autonomy by advancing National Law 24.588, which reserved control of the 25,000-strong Policía Federal (the federally administered city police), the Port of Buenos Aires and other faculties to the national government.
Subsequently she announced her departure from the party and was confirmed as the lead candidate for National Deputy for the Unión Pro Federal alliance formed by Mauricio Macri's PRO and dissident Peronists.
Similar themes were addressed in the novel Santa Evita by Tomás Eloy Martínez, in which an Army officer is entrusted with the stolen body of Evita Perón, ordered to keep it hidden in order to prevent its becoming a shrine to the Peronist movement.
As a response, Duhalde, the vicepresident Daniel Scioli and governors as José Manuel de la Sota and Jorge Obeid gathered in a congress and reaffirmed their peronist loyalty, rejecting the transversalism.
On 18 September 2011, he was elected mayor of the city of Córdoba, against the dissident Peronist Olga Riutort (candidate for Alianza Fuerza de la Gente) and former vice-governor Héctor Campana (Unión por Córdoba).
The Peronist Party suffered a proscription that was to last until Perón's return in 1973, even though Perón influenced the results of the 1958 and 1963 elections from his exile in Madrid.
She worked in education and coordinated education policies for the 1999 Peronists' campaign in Trelew.
This mode of operation recalls the June 20, 1973 Ezeiza massacre in Buenos Aires, when the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (aka Triple A), founded by José López Rega (a P2 member), opened up fire on the left-wing Peronists.
The Trelew Massacre was the retaliatory government killing of 16 militants of different Peronist and left organizations held as political prisoners in Rawson Penitentiary.