
unusual facts about Persecution of Christians

Christian persecution

Persecution of Christians - persecution of Christians by other groups

Eulalia of Mérida

Eulalia of Mérida was a young Roman Christian martyred in Emerita, the capital of Lusitania (modern Mérida in Spain), conventionally during the persecution under Diocletian and Maximian.

Helen Berhane

Berhane is a member of the Rema church, one of several minority Evangelical Christian churches not officially recognized by the state of Eritrea and heavily persecuted.

Marcia Otacilia Severa

Severa and Philip are generally considered as the first Christian imperial couple, because during their reign the persecutions of Christians had ceased and the couple had become tolerant towards Christianism.

Voice of the Martyrs

In 1966, Wurmbrand testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the US Senate about the treatment that Christians received under Communist governments, raising world-wide interest in Christian persecution, and through his influence several missions were founded around the world to help support Christians who suffered under Communist persecution.

see also

Daniel R. Jenky

In an April 2012 men's march homily, Jenky, to the applause of the attendees, included the Obama Administration’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on a list of things the Catholic Church has survived including the early persecution of Christians, barbarian invasions, “wave after wave of Jihads”, the “Age of Revolution”, Nazism, and Communism.

Lapido Media

After casting doubt on the persecution of Christians around the world in a column in the early 90s, Levin received a mass of evidence to the contrary from Dr Taylor and, independently, Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Fund.

Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc

Richard Wurmbrand, Romanian evangelical Christian minister and author, described the systematic persecution of Christians in one East Bloc nation.

Saint Afra

As the persecution of Christians during the reign of Roman Emperor Diocletian began, Bishop Narcissus of Girona (in Spain) sought refuge in Augsburg and lodged with Afra and her mother, Hilaria.