In 1972, a few months after his retirement, Petrie was killed by a car while attempting to cross a motorway near his home in Surrey.
John Flinders Petrie (1907-1972) was the only son of Egyptologist Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie.
The plane in question is the Coxeter plane of the symmetry group of the polygon, and the number of sides, h, is Coxeter number of the Coxeter group.
Flinders Petrie | polygon | William Petrie | Thomas Petrie | Stewart Petrie | regular polygon | Petrie | John Petrie | Geoff Petrie | The Polygon, Southampton | Polygon triangulation | polygon (computer graphics) | Polygon | Petrie Island | Karen Petrie | Henry W. Petrie | Haylea Petrie | George Petrie | General Polygon Clipper | Gavin Petrie | Doug Petrie | Donald Petrie | David Petrie | Constance Campbell Petrie | Charles Robert Petrie |