
unusual facts about Polygon

Hungarian Parliament Building

One of the famous parts of the building is the hexadecagonal (sixteen-sided) central hall, with huge chambers adjoining it: the Lower House and the Upper House.

Art gallery problem

The vertices of the polygon are then 3-colored in such a way that every triangle has all three colors.

Boolean operations on polygons

Boolean operations on polygons are a set of Boolean operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, ...) operating on one or more sets of polygons in computer graphics.

Combinatorial class

For instance, the triangulations of regular polygons (with size given by the number of sides of the polygon, and a fixed choice of polygon to triangulate for each size) and the set of unrooted binary plane trees (up to graph isomorphism, with a fixed ordering of the leaves, and with size given by the number of leaves) are both counted by the Catalan numbers, so they form isomorphic combinatorial classes.

Compass-and-straightedge construction

Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1796 showed that a regular n-sided polygon can be constructed with straightedge and compass if the odd prime factors of n are distinct Fermat primes.

Farroupilha Park

Near to the Centro Histórico (Historic Centre), Farroupilha Park is located within a polygon formed by José Bonifácio, João Pessoa, Luiz Englert, Setembrina and Osvaldo Aranha Avenues.


For example, Éric Chahi wrote a game editor in GFA basic to create his game Another World, including scene design and game scripting; only the game engine (polygon rendering and music) was done in assembler.

Minimum-weight triangulation

It is also possible to formulate a version of the point set or polygon triangulation problems in which one is allowed to add Steiner points, extra vertices, in order to reduce the total edge length of the resulting triangulations.

MTX Tatra V8

After it passed driving tests at the Tatra polygon races at Kopřivnice, at airport in Mošnov and at autodrom in Most, it was finally introduced to the public in October 1991 at the auto show in Prague.

Near-miss Johnson solid

Permutations of these polygon lists further extend possible vertex figures.

Nef polygon

Nef polygons and Nef polyhedra are the sets of polygons (resp. polyhedra) which can be obtained from a finite set of halfplanes (halfspaces) by Boolean operations of set intersection and set complement.

Petrie polygon

The plane in question is the Coxeter plane of the symmetry group of the polygon, and the number of sides, h, is Coxeter number of the Coxeter group.

Polygon Records

It was started in 1949 as the Polygon Record Company Ltd. by Alan A. Freeman and Leslie Clark, who was anxious to control distribution of his daughter Petula Clark's recordings.

Regular polygon

The symmetry group of an n-sided regular polygon is dihedral group Dn (of order 2n): D2, 4D4, ...


The Mega-CD port of Silpheed features polygon ships over a pre-rendered video background; this method is also seen in other video game titles, such as Namco's StarBlade in 1991, Sony Imagesoft's Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992, and Micronet's A/X-101 in 1994 for the Mega-CD.

Time Crisis II

Time Crisis II was released utilizing Namco's System 23 arcade board in 1997, and was ported to PlayStation 2 (with enhanced graphics and polygon textures) in 2001.

Uniform polytope

The ones that have include the 10 regular nonconvex polychora (Schläfli-Hess polychora) and 57 prisms on the nonconvex uniform polyhedra, as well as three infinite families: the prisms on the star antiprisms, the duoprisms formed by multiplying two star polygons, and the duoprisms formed by multiplying an ordinary polygon with a star polygon.

see also