It was not uncommon for the workforce of small towns (i.e. Kıncıvo) to completely and rapidly convert toward dependence on the oil industry during this period.
H.V.Abikh surveyed and reported structures present on the seabed of the Caspian.
For instance, Mazut Trading Co, created by the Rothschild Frères in 1898, possessed 13 tankers in Caspian Sea alone.
Azerbaijan | Industry | industry | Recording Industry Association of America | Australian Recording Industry Association | Ganja, Azerbaijan | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority | Pulp and paper industry | Occidental Petroleum | Chemical industry | pharmaceutical industry | Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry | Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences | film industry | Department of Trade and Industry (United Kingdom) | Department of Trade and Industry | Bureau of Plant Industry | British Phonographic Industry | Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic | Pharmaceutical industry | Liquefied petroleum gas | King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals | Automotive industry | West Australian Music Industry Awards | Royal Designers for Industry | Oki Electric Industry | Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago) | Museum of Science and Industry | Christian music industry | textile industry |
Russian President (then First Deputy Prime Minister) Dmitry Medvedev and former Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány have stated that there is no contradiction between South Stream and the Nabucco pipeline project, designated to bring Caspian (Azerbaijani) gas to Southern and Central Europe via Turkey.