
unusual facts about Petronius Maximus


In the late spring of 455, Avitus was recalled to service by emperor Petronius Maximus and was elevated to the rank of magister militum, probably praesentalis; Maximus sent Avitus in an embassy to the court of Theodoric II, who had succeeded to his father, at Toulouse.

Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus

Through his sons, Probus was the paternal grandfather of two Emperors, Petronius Maximus and Olybrius.

Sieg der Schönheit

The Vandal prince Genseric has conquered Rome (historically following the murder of the emperor Valentinian III commissioned by the usurper Petronius Maximus) and now wants to conquer the Roman emperor's widow Eudoxia (historically Licinia Eudoxia), while his son Honoricus (historically Huneric) sets his eye on Eudoxia's daughter Pulcheria.

see also