
unusual facts about Phenomenology

Adolf Reinach

Besides his work in the area of phenomenology and philosophy in general, Reinach is credited for the development of a forerunner to the theory of speech acts by Austin and Searle: Die apriorischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechtes (The A Priori Foundations of Civil Law) is a systematic treatment of social acts as performative utterances and a priori foundations of civil law.

Besides giving an introduction to phenomenology, he lectured i.a. on Plato and Immanuel Kant.

Alan Hirsch

Hirsch currently doing PhD studies at Radboud University in the Netherlands on the Phenomenology of Apostolic Movements.

Andreas Kinneging

He also discovered the school of realist phenomenology characterized by such philosophers as Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, Nicolai Hartmann, Adolf Reinach, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Aurel Kolnai, Edith Stein and others.


Edmund Husserl, meanwhile, negated positivism through the rubric of phenomenology.

Brian Manning Delaney

In April 2009, the Swedish Academy awarded him a special honor for his work on the translation of the Phenomenology of Spirit.

Cartesian Meditations

Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology is a book by the philosopher Edmund Husserl, based on two two-hour lectures he gave at the Sorbonne, in the Amphithéatre Descartes on February 23 and 25, 1929.

Christian Norberg-Schulz

The Onion, a fictional and satirical "newspaper", has featured Ask the Concept of Phenomenology in Architecture as developed by Christian Norberg-Schulz, a parody of an advice column.

Existential phenomenology

Existential phenomenology is a philosophical current inspired by Martin Heidegger's 1927 work Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) and influenced by the existential work of Søren Kierkegaard and the phenomenological work of Edmund Husserl.

Flashed Face Distortion Effect

“These are the best illusions of the year, so they’re very new by definition. You’re going to know the phenomenology first, and the neural underpinnings second. Typically, we don’t know why these illusions work in the brain. We may have theories, but the experiments have not been done, because it’s too early. This is really at the cutting edge.”

The phenomenon, which has gone viral on YouTube, also represents an example of scientific phenomenology which outstrips (in this case) neurological theory.

Graham Harman

However, drawing on phenomenology, he does distinguish between two categories of objects: real objects and sensual objects (or intentional objects), which sets his philosophy apart from the flat ontology of Bruno Latour.

Harold Garfinkel

While Garfinkel was studying at Harvard, he also became acquainted with a number of European scholars who had recently immigrated to the U.S. These would include Aron Gurwitsch, Felix Kaufmann, and Alfred Schütz, who introduced the young sociologist to newly emerging ideas in social theory, psychology and phenomenology.


It differs from the phenomenology of the sacred (which has been studied by Mircea Eliade, Rudolf Otto and Pavel Florensky) insofar as it focuses on historical examples of hierotopic projects, that is, projects establishing a medium of communication between the mundane and the sacred.


Baudrillard's idea of hyperreality was heavily influenced by phenomenology, semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan.

Jacob Golomb

He specializes in Continental philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries, phenomenology, hermeneutics, psychoanalysis, philosophy and literature; Philosophy of Zionism and Jewish modern philosophy.

Jean-Yves Lacoste

Jean-Yves Lacoste is a philosopher associated with what Dominique Janicaud called the "theological turn in phenomenology" along with other influential French phenomenologists like Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jean-Louis Chrétien.

John Russon

Russon is also known as a scholar of ancient philosophy, especially for his use of the methods of 20th Century European philosophy (phenomenology, hermeneutics and deconstruction) to interpret the texts of Plato and Aristotle.

Michel Henry

Michel Henry undertook a study of the historical and philosophical genesis of psychoanalysis in the light of phenomenology of life in Généalogie de la psychanalyse, le commencement perdu (Genealogy of Psychoanalysis, the Lost Beginning), in which he shows that the Freudian notion of the unconscious results from the inability of Freud, its founder, to think the essence of life in its purity.

Nascent state

According to Francesco Alberoni, the phenomenology of falling in love is the same for young people and adults, for men and women and for homosexuals and heterosexuals.


The converse European tradition drawing on the understandings of the transcendental derived from phenomenology continues to emphasize the converse reading as is shown by the recent works of Jean-Luc Nancy.

The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger over the interpretation of Kant led the latter to formulate reasons for viewing Kant as a forerunner of phenomenology; this view was disputed in important respects by Eugen Fink.

Natorp had a decisive influence on the history of phenomenology and is often credited with leading Edmund Husserl to adopt the vocabulary of transcendental idealism.


Noema, a technical term in phenomenology to describe a type of thought

Open-space Learning or OSL

In terms of the suggestion that it promotes a style of teaching and learning that seeks to undermine a Cartesian separation of mind and body, its greatest debt is to work in Neuroscience by academics such as Andy Clark, and to phenomenology of the kind developed by Husserl.

Philosophy in Canada

Phenomenology has also played a role, as seen in the work of Emil Fackenheim (1961), Benoit Pruche (1977–1980), René l'Ecuyer (1980), Jacques Croteau (1981), Cyril Welch (1982), Gary Madison (1988), Hendrik Hart (1990), Jean Grondin (1995), and Thomas De Koninck (1995).

Ray Brassier

Along with Quentin Meillassoux, Graham Harman, and Iain Hamilton Grant, Brassier is one of the foremost philosophers of contemporary Speculative Realism interested in providing a robust defense of philosophical realism in the wake of the challenges posed to it by post-Kantian critical idealism, phenomenology, post-modernism, deconstruction, or, more broadly speaking, "correlationism".

Shaun Gallagher

He co-edits the journal Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, and is the author of several books, including How the Body Shapes the Mind (2005), Phenomenology (2012), Hermeneutics and Education (1992), The Inordinance of Time (1998), Brainstorming (2008), and (with Dan Zahavi), The Phenomenological Mind (2008; 2nd edition, 2012).


Skandha, which in Buddhist phenomenology and soteriology, are the five "aggregates" which categorize all individual experience.

Systemic Constellations

The Systemic Constellation process is a trans-generational, phenomenological, therapeutic intervention with roots in family systems therapy (Psychodrama of Jacob Moreno, Virginia Satir, Iván Böszörményi-Nagy), existential-phenomenology (Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger), and the ancestor reverence of the South African Zulus.


Yogacara, or Wei Shi in Chinese, a school of Buddhist philosophy and psychology emphasizing phenomenology and ontology

see also