
unusual facts about Phenomenon

1769 Transit of Venus observed from Tahiti

Places he recommended for observing the phenomenon included the Hudson Bay, Norway and the Molucca Islands.

2011 Sabarimala stampede

Amid a renewed debate after this stampede, Kerala High Court wanted to know whether or not the ‘Makarajyothi' is a man-made phenomenon, asking about the authenticity of the hallowed celestial light visible from Sabarimala.

André Bloc

Artists and urbanists such as Jean Dewasne, Etienne Bóthy, Jean Gorin, Félix Del Marle, Edgard Pillet, Victor Vasarely and Nicolas Schöffer were members of the group, which considered architecture, painting, sculpture and art in general as a social phenomenon.

Angela Funovits

In October and November 2007, Funovits was the only female of ten mentalist contestants on the primetime NBC series Phenomenon, which was hosted by Tim Vincent and judged by Criss Angel and Uri Geller.

Anna Quindlen

He coined the term "The Quindlen Effect" to describe this phenomenon and suggested that it began with her Times column of December 13, 1992, in which Quindlen assailed the four alleged perpetrators of the Glen Ridge rape.


Autonomous sensory meridian response, an uncommon neuro-physiological phenomenon which causes unique "tingling" sensations under very specific circumstances

Birchville Cat Motel

Kneale operates the labels Celebrate Psi Phenomenon and Battlecruiser which have issued CDs by artists from New Zealand and overseas, including Matthew Bower (under the name Mirag) and Simon Wickham-Smith with recent releases by Richard Youngs and Alex Neilson and one involving Tony Conrad.

Braess's paradox

In 2012, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization demonstrated through computational modeling the potential for this phenomenon to occur in power transmission networks where power generation is decentralized.

Breast Men

The film very loosely tracks the history of the real-life breast implant phenomenon, from its radical introduction through its incredible popularity, through the controversial link of its silicone base to various types of illnesses and cancers (culminating in the Food and Drug Administration's moratorium on use of silicone in breast implants, leading the industry to utilize saline ones, instead).

Chalcolithic Europe

1900 BC, the centre of the Beaker Pottery returns to Bohemia, while in Iberia we see a decentralization of the phenomenon, with centres in Portugal but also in Los Millares and Ciempozuelos.

Cities in Flight

An alien culture is also investigating this phenomenon, which will shortly accelerate to engulf all galactic space; in other words, the colliding universes will end in a transition in between the Big Bang and Big Crunch.

Cortical map

An interesting phenomenon involving cortical maps is the incidence of phantom limbs (see Ramachandran for review).

Cortical remapping

To better understand this phenomenon in the brain, they used micro-electrodes to micromap the monkey’s cortical map of its hand.

Dalibor Vesely

And takes the organic ability of sight only as a point of departure to the phenomenon of vision, i.e. what one is able to recognize and know out of visual perception.


Underpotential deposition, a phenomenon of electrodeposition of a species (typically reduction of a metal cation to a solid metal) at a potential less negative than the equilibrium (Nernst) potential for the reduction of this metal

Fantômas se déchaîne

It was France's answer, with the Fantômas trilogy starting in 1964, to the James Bond phenomenon that swept the world at around the same time.

Gloger's rule

It was named after the zoologist Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger, who first remarked upon this phenomenon in 1833 in a review of covariation of climate and avian plumage color.

Haridas Chaudhuri

Bahman Shirazi of the California Institute of Integral Studies has defined Integral Psychology as "a psychological system concerned with exploring and understanding the totality of the human phenomenon....(which) at its breadth, covers the entire body-mind-psyche-spirit spectrum, while at its depth...encompasses the previously explored unconscious and the conscious dimensions of the psyche, as well as the supra-conscious dimension traditionally excluded from psychological inquiry".

Hostile media effect

The phenomenon was first proposed and studied experimentally by Robert Vallone, Lee Ross and Mark Lepper.

Hostis humani generis

Unlawful enemy combatants, or persons captured in war who do not fight on behalf of a recognized sovereign state, have become an increasingly common phenomenon in contemporary wars, such as War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, and First Chechen War.


This phenomenon of a large number of twin births is not unique to Igbo-Ora; it has also been observed in the town of Kodinji in India and Cândido Godói in Brasil.

Jack Diamond Morning Show

Host Jack Diamond has also worked in TV, both part and full-time, including co-hosting "Broadcast House Live" in D.C. on WUSA and is currently on "Idol Chatter" as part of the American Idol phenomenon on WTTG.

Jerry Fodor on mental architecture

Thomas Kuhn (1962), Norwood Russell Hanson (1958) and Nelson Goodman (1968), for example, maintain that the perception of the world depends on how the percipient conceives the world: two individuals (two scientists) who witness the same phenomenon and are steeped in two radically different theories will see two radically different things.

Jewish English Bible translations

Barry Levy, "Our Torah, Your Torah, and Their Torah: An Evaluation of the ArtScroll Phenomenon" in Truth and Compassion: Essays on Religion in Judaism, Howard Joseph, Jack N. Lightstone, and Michael D. Oppenheim, eds.

Ju Jun

All 143 units were sold within a month of going on sale, in a phenomenon the Beijing media called "The Orange Storm." Designed by architect Aram Bassenian, who hails from Newport Beach, California in Orange County, California, the Orange County development is an example of wealthy Chinese adopting the suburban American built form.

Lightning sphere

Ball lightning, a controversial atmospheric electrical phenomenon

Lucy Riall

Several of her books treat the history of the Risorgimento; Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero (2007) examined the popular cult of Giuseppe Garibaldi as a global cultural phenomenon.

Monica Dickens

Dickens reportedly misheard this as an instruction as to the name which she should include in the inscription ("Emma Chisit") and thus was born the phenomenon of "Strine" which filled the newspaper's letter columns and subsequently was the subject of a separate weekly article and, later, a series of humorous books.


The cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, whose theories on the human notion of death is strongly influenced by Freud, views the fear of death as a universal phenomenon, a fear repressed in the unconscious and of which people are largely unaware.

No U-turn syndrome

In his book Chaotic Thoughts from the Old Millennium, he uses a comparison of traffic rules in Singapore to those found overseas, to describe the phenomenon : In Singapore, drivers are not allowed to make a U-turn unless a sign specifically allows them to do so, while in some other countries drivers may make U-turns freely so long as the 'No U-turn' sign is not present.

North Wales Police

Many have attributed this phenomenon to its former Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom, who accepts he is obsessed with speeding motorists.

Oliver Ressler

Many of Ressler’s works have been realized in collaborations: “Boom!” focuses on the central contradictions of globalized capitalism (with David Thorne), “European Corrections Corporation” on the phenomenon of prison privatization (with Martin Krenn), and “What Would It Mean To Win?” on the protests against the 33rd G8-summit in Heiligendamm (with Zanny Begg).

Predrag Dragić

His themes of interest are diverse and original, and his intellectual curiosity is a mixture of modern world poetry, philosophy of numbers, Christian esthetics, the works of Dostoevsky, Gogol and Andreyev, the history of European civilization, European esoteric writers, protohistory of Serbs and Slavs, the phenomenon of migrations and the Christian-Orthodox mysticism.


Pregnancy fetishism, contexts in which pregnancy is seen by individuals and cultures as an erotic phenomenon

Racism in the Arab world

The Guardian's journalist Brian Whitaker wrote on the race taboo, an excerpt: Racism is a worldwide phenomenon.


Ramsauer–Townsend effect, physical phenomenon involving the scattering of low-energy electrons by atoms of a noble gas

Return migration

Circular migration, a phenomenon in human migration in which migrants repeatedly travel between origin and destination countries

Robin Lakoff

She covers topics including the Hill–Thomas hearings, the O.J. Simpson trial, the Lewinsky scandal, and the political correctness phenomenon.


The rude boy phenomenon had existed in the ska period, but was expressed more obviously during the rocksteady era in songs such as "Rude Boy Gone A Jail" by The Clarendonians; '"No Good Rudie" by Justin Hinds & the Dominoes; and "Don't Be A Rude Boy" by The Rulers. Crying was a theme in some rocksteady songs, such as Alton and the Flames' "Cry Tough", which urged Jamaicans in the ghettos to stay tough through the hard times.

Signal de Botrange

The average and extreme temperatures are usually lower than at any other place in Belgium: the minimum temperature recorded (-25.6 °C) does not, however, exceed the absolute record (-30.1 °C ), observed in the valley of the Lomme, at Rochefort during a temperature inversion phenomenon.

Sundown Syndrome

The title "Sundown Syndrome" refers to a psychological phenomenon called Sundowning.


Transculturation, the phenomenon of merging and converging cultures

Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse

Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse is a collection of essays edited by Valerie Sinason addressing the treatment of those who allege they are survivors of Satanic ritual abuse (a phenomenon generally considered a moral panic by most scholars).

Tuscan gorgia

The Apennines are the northern border of the phenomenon, and while a definite southern border has not been established, it is present in Siena and further south, through at least San Quirico d'Orcia.

Vakri grahas

As the Earth passes by a planet that particular planet appears to move backwards i.e. westward, amid the stars, this phenomenon is called retrograde motion, which motion invariably occurs at a time when that planet is visible for a relatively longer period.

Voltage spike

While generally referred to as a voltage spike, the phenomenon in question is actually an energy spike, in that it is measured not in volts but in joules; a transient response defined by a mathematical product of voltage, current, and time.

Wave equation

The phenomenon of lacunas has been extensively investigated in Atiyah, Bott and Gårding (1970, 1973).

Wilhelm Karl Ritter von Haidinger

He was the first to observe the slight polarization dependence of the human eye, observed via the phenomenon now known as Haidinger's brush.

Zero Wing

This introductory scene was translated by Sega of Europe to English from Japanese rather poorly for the European release (a phenomenon dubbed Engrish), resulting in dialogue such as "Somebody set up us the bomb", "All your base are belong to us", and "You have no chance to survive make your time".

see also