
unusual facts about perception

Anti-discrimination laws in Brazil

I - readmission to provide full compensation for any period of absence, upon payment of remunerations, corrected monetarily, plus legal interest; II - the perception, double, the remuneration of the cooling off period, adjusted for inflation and plus statutory interest.

Bhagawati Devi Sharma

These Yagyas were to be performed without conducting any violence against a general perception of animal sacrifice in Ashwamedha Yagyas.

Christian Keysers

He then started his research career at the University of St Andrews by investigating cells in the Temporal cortex with David Perrett, and described cells that respond when the monkey views particular faces in a way that correlates with conscious perception.

Colors of noise

Grey noise is random white noise subjected to a psychoacoustic equal loudness curve (such as an inverted A-weighting curve) over a given range of frequencies, giving the listener the perception that it is equally loud at all frequencies.

Contagion heuristic

The perception of essence-transfer extends to rituals to purify items viewed as spiritually contaminated, such as having Mother Teresa wear Hitler's sweater to counteract his essence.

Continuity thesis

He sees specific influences in Alhazen's physical optical theory, Chinese mechanical technologies leading to the perception of the world as a machine, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which carried implicitly a new mode of mathematical atomic thinking, and the heliocentrism rooted in in ancient Egyptian religious ideas associated with Hermeticism.

Dalibor Vesely

And takes the organic ability of sight only as a point of departure to the phenomenon of vision, i.e. what one is able to recognize and know out of visual perception.

David G. Hays

In 1982 he published Cognitive Structures, in which he developed a novel scheme for grounding cognition in perception and action as conceived in the control theory of William T. Powers.

David L. Bassett

The atlas is a series of paired slides that use Gruber's View-Master three-dimensional viewing system to display a perception of depth and levels of detail that made Bassett's work pioneering.


As the deerstalker is the most typical cap of the period matching both descriptions, it is not surprising that the original illustrations for the stories by Sidney Paget in Great Britain, and Frederic Dorr Steele in the United States, along with other illustrators of the period, depicted Holmes as a "deerstalker man", which then became the popular perception of him.

Donnie Moore

In the public perception, Moore became indelibly associated with the Angels' loss of the pennant, in much the same manner that Bill Buckner became associated with the Red Sox' subsequent loss of the World Series later that year.

Edward Charles Cocks

He was a great favourite of his commander Arthur Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington, who admired him for his bravery and sharp perception and who took news of his death badly.


This notion of perception as abduction has received periodic revivals in artificial intelligence and cognitive science research, most recently for instance with the work of Irvin Rock on indirect perception.

Rock, Irvin (1983), The Logic of Perception, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Frank Oppenheimer

Four years later, the Exploratorium opened its doors for the first time — an interactive museum of art, science, and human perception based on the philosophy that science should be fun and accessible for people of all ages, set next to the stately Palace of Fine Arts of San Francisco.

Grey noise

Grey noise is random noise subjected to a psychoacoustic equal loudness curve (such as an inverted A-weighting curve) over a given range of frequencies, giving the listener the perception that it is equally loud at all frequencies.

Gustav Landauer

An "secluded" person that can free himself from time, experiences eternity by "mystical show" (spiritual perception) (Plotinus).

Hard Hat Mack

In late 1983, California state senator Dan McCorquodale, offended by portrayal of OSHA as a villain in the game, sent a complaint letter to an Emporium-Capwell store in Santa Clara, California, accusing the game of being "anti-worker" and of skewing the public perception of the federal government.


The bare infinitive is used as complement of the dummy auxiliary do, most modal auxiliary verbs, verbs of perception such as see, watch and hear (after a direct object), and the verbs of permission or causation make, bid, let, and have (also after a direct object).

Jean Quan

The move created national news with the perception Oakland schools were teaching students "Ebonics" because there was discussion about Ebonics being used as a teaching tool.

Jerry Fodor on mental architecture

Thomas Kuhn (1962), Norwood Russell Hanson (1958) and Nelson Goodman (1968), for example, maintain that the perception of the world depends on how the percipient conceives the world: two individuals (two scientists) who witness the same phenomenon and are steeped in two radically different theories will see two radically different things.

Jonathan Cole

Influenced by Stockhausen and Nono as well as David Lynch and Georges Bataille, his music explores perception and memory in rich and imaginative ways.

Józef Bury

Jozef Bury (b. 1961 in Mielec, Poland, lives and works in Paris) is a multidisciplinary artist who articulates researches about space-and-time problems, polysensory perception, subcognitive attitude and memory of experience.


The perception of commercial fruit juice as equal in health benefit to fresh fruit has been questioned, mainly because it lacks fiber and has often been highly processed.

Kenneth Biller

He has worked on a number of American television shows including Beverly Hills, 90210, Star Trek: Voyager, Legend of the Seeker and Perception.

Lady Mary Shepherd

A private philosophical controversy with the amateur philosopher John Fearn over the relation between perception and physical extension was published in Parriana (1828).

Levi and Matilda Stanley

Contrary to common perception, they were reverent church people, and the reigning King and his son and heir, known as Sugar Stanley, were members in good standing of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.


An insight into their culture and perception can be obtained by studying the Diwan of their recent poet Ibrahim 'Ali Salman.

Necker cube

The Necker cube is discussed to such extent in Robert J. Sawyer's 1998 science fiction novel Factoring Humanity that "Necker" becomes a verb, meaning to impel one's brain to switch from one perspective or perception to another.

North Dakota gubernatorial election, 2004

Satrom called for North Dakota to introduce a one thousand dollar donation limit, for individuals and political action committees, to avoid any perception of conflict of interest.

Pattern playback

Using this device, Alvin Liberman, Frank Cooper, and Pierre Delattre (later joined by Katherine Safford Harris, Leigh Lisker, and others) were able to discover acoustic cues for the perception of phonetic segments (consonants and vowels).

Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

Gary Braver, bestselling author of Skin Deep, said “Paul’s writing in The Sultan and the Mermaid Queen has the humanity of Somerset Maugham, the adventure of Joseph Conrad, the perception of Paul Theroux, and a self-effacing voice uniquely his own.”

Peter Richard Killeen

Killeen has also developed a theory of learning as causal inference (1981) bringing these together in his paper on the perception of contingency in conditioning: Scalar timing, response bias, and the erasure of memory by reinforcement (Killeen, 1984).

Phil K

Shpongle - "Dorset Perception" (Lo-Step's Balearic Breaks Re-Edit)


It is located in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, and focuses on researching better perceptual signal processing techniques, particularly in regards to DSP, Perception, and Software.

Robert Overton

This perception was reinforced by the sermons of John Canne, a well known Fifth Monarchist preacher in Overton's regiment at Hull.

Robin Wallace-Crabbe

Rather than ‘being an artist’, as McDonald suggest, Gary Catalano argues that Wallace-Crabbe is in search of the primal psychological aspects of picture making, ‘… Wallace-Crabbe wants to recapture something of the freshness of perception that comes naturally to children when they are first exposed to the external world.’.


In the Neoplatonic philosophy of Henry More (1614–1687), for instance, Semele was thought to embody "intellectual imagination", and was construed as the opposite of Arachne, "sense perception".


Psychic, a person who professes an ability to perceive information through extrasensory perception


“ and works on multisensory projects, which aim for new synaesthetic fields of perception through a connection of all senses.

Sidney Bradford

He was the subject of many scientific studies of perception by neuropsychologist Richard Gregory.

Sidney S. Culbert

An Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington (Seattle) for most of his academic career, in addition to his research into the speaking populations of languages he made significant contributions to the study of perception, contributions that were influential in the design of cockpit instrument panels in the Boeing 707 jet aircraft.

Stopping sight distance

The design standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) allow 1.5 seconds for perception time and 1.0 second for reaction time.

Thanassis Stephopoulos

The resulting sensory perception in this first period of his work is the series of Nature morte, which were exposed for the first time in France at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in Salon d'Automne at Grand Palais, at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen and elsewhere.

The Great Santini

Believing that the film's title - giving the perception that it was about circus stunts - would be the problem, it was tested as Sons and Heroes in Fort Wayne, Indiana, as Reaching Out in Rockford, Illinois, and The Ace in Peoria, Illinois.

The Silent War

The Silent War (full title: The Silent War: Imperialism and the Changing Perception of Race) is a book by Frank Furedi.

The Spanish Gypsy

Following up on Sykes' perception, M. Joan Sergeaunt noted the strong resemblances between the gypsy scenes in this play and similar materials in the works of Thomas Dekker.

Toeti Heraty

Her most recent poem, "Calon Arang: the Story of A Woman Victimized by Patriarchy", a book-length lyric, provides critical insights into the standard perception of Indonesia's great archetypal figure, Calon Arang.

William James Lectures

Ned Block (2012) “How Empirical Facts About Attention Transform Traditional Philosophical Debates About the Nature of Perception”

William Swann

He is primarily known for his work on identity, self and self-esteem, but has also done research on relationships, social cognition, group processes, accuracy in person perception and interpersonal expectancy effects.

see also