
unusual facts about Philip Augustus


They were first organised at Le Puy in 1182 and participated conspicuously in support of Philip Augustus against Stephen I of Sancerre and his Brabançon mercenaries then ravaging the Orléanais in 1184.

Great Canterbury Psalter

The spectacular nature of the project, the splendour of the manuscript and the lavish use of gold suggest it may have been a psalter for a king: Henry II himself, Louis VII of France or even Philip Augustus in the early years of his reign.

Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy

When Philip Augustus succeeded Louis in 1180, Hugh seized the opportunity and forced several men to change alliance to Burgundy.

Peter II of Courtenay

Peter accompanied his cousin, King Philip Augustus, on the crusade of 1190 and fought (alongside his brother Robert) in the Albigensian Crusade in 1209 and 1211, when he took part in the siege of Lavaur.

Robert of Auxerre

It is one of the most valuable sources for the history of France during the reign of Philip Augustus, and it also contains information about other European countries, the Crusades and affairs in the East.

Simon, Count of Ponthieu

It is thought that in order to strengthen the alliance with the Dammartins, King Philip Augustus of France allowed Simon to marry Marie, Countess of Ponthieu, who was a niece of the king, in 1208.

see also

Simon, Count of Ponthieu

After the death of Philip Augustus, Marie was able to negotiate an agreement with his successor Louis VIII in 1225.