
unusual facts about Phoenician

Shane Delia's Spice Journey

His journey starts in his homeland, the old Phoenician outpost of Malta, where the aromatics and spices of the Middle East mingle with the European traditions of the Mediterranean to produce a unique food culture.

Archaeogenetics of the Near East

It was reported in the PBS description of the National Geographic TV Special on this study entitled "Quest for the Phoenicians" that ancient DNA was included in this study as extracted from the tooth of a 2500 year-old Phoenician mummy.


There are differences between the Ugaritic pantheon and that of Phoenicia centuries later: according to the third-hand Greek and Christian reports of Sanchuniathon, the Phoenician mythographer would have Dagon the brother of Ēl/Cronus and like him son of Sky/Uranus and Earth, but not truly Hadad's father.


This is significant since Ptah is a parallel for Noah in that, as the Blacksmith-God of Thebes (Hephaistos-Vulcan), he is the equivalent of the Phoenician Craftsman-God Khousor, which is Ugaritic Kṯr, Kothar, Kothar-wa-Khasis, "The-Very-Skillful-and-Intelligent-One," which is the same character as the Sumero-Akkadian Noahs: Utnapishtim (in the Gilgamesh Epic), Atra-Ḫasīs, and Ziusudra (Khousor = Ptah at Ugarit).

Lebanese wine

The wines of Tyre and Sidon were famous throughout the ancient Mediterranean, although not all the cargoes reached their destination; Robert Ballard of Titanic fame found the wrecks of two Phoenician ships from 750 BC, whose cargo of wine was still intact.


Meem is the letter Mem (also known as Meem / Mim), the thirteenth letter of many Semitic language abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic

Nephi, son of Lehi

In Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions of Egyptian names containing nfr, the nfr element is rendered npy, and the closely related Hebrew language would presumably transcribe the name the same way.

Qart Hadasht

Qart Hadasht or Qart-ḥadašt means "New City" in Phoenician and is

Sidon Sea Castle

There is a possibility that the island where the castle was built on was the location of the Phoenician King's palace and several other Phoenician monuments which were destroyed by Esarhaddon and then by natural earthquakes.


Sumuru, the ancient Akkadian name for Tell Kazel, a Bronze Age archaeological site and Phoenician city of Zemar

Theory of Phoenician discovery of the Americas

In January 2013, the TV channel History screened an episode of America Unearthed called "Stonehenge in America", which looked at America's Stonehenge, and discussed the theory of Phoenician colonization of North America.

In 1996, Mark McMenamin proposed a theory that Phoenician sailors discovered the New World c.


Tyre, Lebanon or Tyrus, the Latin name of the ancient Phoenician city

see also