
unusual facts about Photo archive

Edith Irvine

Wilma ("Billy") Plunkett, Photoarchivist at the Lee Library in 1988, indicates in her master’s project on Irvine, that the “family fortunes increased due to acquisitions of mines and other real estate,” and that the Irvine family became part of the “upper social strata of the area.”

see also

Anadolu Agency

The number of photographs at Anadolu Agency's digital archives has reached nearly 1.5 million as the biggest digital photo archive in Turkey.

Lars Schwander

His artistic work is represented in international collections such as those of Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Musée de la photographie in Belgium, the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen, the Brandts Museum of Photographic Art, Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris, the Lenono Photo Archive in New York and the extensive German Olbricht Collection in Essen.

Photography in Uzbekistan

Some of Divanov's works are currently preserved in the Russian State Documentary Film and Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk.