
3 unusual facts about Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha

A local chapter may be established at any college or university granting the baccalaureate or higher degrees, which is accredited by a regional or national accrediting association, and which offers a major sequence of courses in political science through an appropriate administrative department, school, or division of the institution, and which conforms to other requirements established by the Executive Council of the society.

Programs for chapters and members include an annual Chapter Activity Grants competition, Best Undergraduate Student Paper and Best Undergraduate Honors Thesis awards, Scholarships for Graduate Study in Political Science, Scholarship for Washington Internships, Best Chapter awards, and Chapter Advisor Recognition awards.

For the profession of political science, Pi Sigma Alpha sponsors major speakers at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and the several regional and state political science associations, and provides Best Paper awards for the APSA Annual Meeting and the regional political science association annual meetings.

Adriano B. Lucatelli

Lucatelli is a life member of the Cantonal Art Museum in Lugano, an honorary member of Pi Sigma Alpha (the National Political Science Honor Society), and a member of the Athenaeum Club in London.

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