The Malagasy Kestrel usually nests on rock ledges, in buildings, in tree holes, or in the stick nests of other birds, such as the Pied Crow.
This bird is thought to be closer to the Pied Crow C. albus by some authorities, especially in its behaviour than to the Brown-necked Raven.
Sheryl Crow | Crow | The Crow | Jim Crow laws | Old Crow Medicine Show | Pied Oystercatcher | Crow Nation | Pied Piper of Hamelin | Floyd Red Crow Westerman | The Crow (film) | Old Crow | European Pied Flycatcher | crow | The Fox and the Crow | Pied Avocet | Pied | Michael M. Crow | Jungle Crow | Crow Wing County, Minnesota | Crow Village, Alaska | Crow Village | Crow-stepped gable | Crow Canyon Archaeological District | Chief Crow | Carrion Crow | Year of the Crow | Torresian Crow | Thomas S. Crow | Thomas E. Crow | The Crow: Wicked Prayer |