
5 unusual facts about Piel Island

John de la Pole, 1st Earl of Lincoln

With his army swelled by Irish recruits led by FitzGerld's brother Thomas FitzGerald of Laccagh, Lincoln landed at Piel Island in Lancashire and proceeded to march towards York, formerly a stronghold of Richard III's supporters.

Lambert Simnel

Simnel's army — mainly Flemish and Irish troops — landed on Piel Island in the Furness area of Lancashire on 5 June 1487 and were joined by some English supporters.


Piel Island, one of the Islands of Furness in northern England

Piel Island

In 1662, following the restoration of Charles II, the lordship of Furness was given to the Duke of Albemarle and this included the castle and parts of the island.

For this reason the Parliamentarian fleet retreated to Piel Harbour when the Royalists captured Liverpool.

see also