
unusual facts about Pierre Charles

Pierre Charles

For the next 15 years, Pierre Charles remained in that position, as irremovable from Grand Bay as Rosie Douglas was from Portsmouth.

see also

Charles Savarin

Following the death of Pierre Charles on January 6, 2004, Savarin remained as Tourism Minister following the appointment of Roosevelt Skerrit as Prime Minister.


L'Enfant Plaza, a complex of office buildings, a hotel, and an underground shopping mall in Washington, D.C., named after Pierre Charles L'Enfant

Ludwig-Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson

A nephew of Ludwig-Wilhelm, Pierre Charles Guillaume Fergusson-Tepper (the son of Peter Charles and Marie-Henriette Boué) established a successful and profitable business of production of printed fabric in Bavilliers (Franche-Comté).

Osborne Riviere

He acted as Prime Minister after the death of Pierre Charles until Roosevelt Skerrit assumed the Prime Ministership two days later.

Pierre-Charles de Liette

Pierre-Charles de Liette, (b? d?) was aide to Henri de Tonti; commandant at Fort Saint-Louis and Chécagou; and captain in the colonial regular troops from 1687 to 1721.