
6 unusual facts about Pierre Restany

Alina Szapocznikow

The following year she moved to Paris where she became friends with the art critic and founder of the Nouveau Réalisme movement, Pierre Restany.

Dominique Mulhem

Pierre Restany, Mulhem, Éditions YeaSung Gallery, Seoul, 2009

Pierre Restany, Mulhem, Éditions Galerie Eterso, Cannes, 1993

Milena Palakarkina

After her undergraduate studies at UCLA and NYU, the Bulgarian born artist meets Pierre Restany in 1983 in Milan.

Pierre Restany

Kristine Stiles & Peter Selz, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Kristine Stiles) University of California Press 2012, Pierre Restany texts pp.

Renato Pengo

The "Technological shock", according to the famous French art critic Pierre Restany, is the expression of a poetry that evolves in the spiritual and imaginary universe, pregnant with vibrations and cosmic energy in a space that becomes the immaterial void.

Biennale de Paris

Catherine Millet, Alfred Pacquement, Jean-Marc Poinsot, Daniel Abadie, Lucy R. Lippard, Pontus Hulten, Gérald Gassiot-Talabot, Achille Bonito Oliva, Pierre Restany, Pierre Courcelles, Paul Ardenne, Stephen Wright, Francesco Masci, Brian Holmes, Elisabeth Lebovici.

Sociological art

As early as 1968, art critics Pierre Restany and François Pluchart used the term “sociological art” to refer to socially engaged and less commercial practices among a diverse set of artists, including body artists Gina Pane and Michel Journiac, Spanish-born video artist Joan Rabascall, Hervé Fischer, Fred Forest, and Jean-Paul Thenot.

see also