
unusual facts about Pierre de Coubertin

Swimming at the 1896 Summer Olympics – Men's sailors 100 metre freestyle

However, the competition is included in the International Olympic Committee's database of Olympic medallists, and there is no record of Pierre de Coubertin or any other major figure in the beginning of the modern Olympic movement objecting to the consideration of the race as Olympic.

1924 Winter Olympics

At the closing of the games a prize was awarded for a sport that did not lend itself very well for tournaments: Pierre de Coubertin presented a prize for alpinisme to Charles Granville Bruce, the leader of the expedition that tried to climb Mount Everest in 1922.

Bouclier de Brennus

Charles Brennus sculpted the shield himself in 1892, based on an original design from his friend and fellow USFSA co-founder Pierre de Coubertin, the man who founded the modern Olympic Games.

Lawrence Bulger

Lawrence Bulger was an Irish 220-yard sprint champion, and through his connection with athletics was a representative at the Sorbonne in Paris when Pierre de Coubertin suggested the creation of a modern Olympic Games.

Paul Michaux

For example, following the invitation to participate in the Olympics by Pierre de Coubertin, the Fédération gymnastique et sportive des patronages de France was a leading supporter of the proposed Olympic Oath.

see also