
unusual facts about Pius XI

Anne O'Hare McCormick

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, McCormick obtained interviews with Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, German leader Adolf Hitler, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill, President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, Popes Pius XI and XII, and other world leaders.

History of Roman Catholicism in Germany

In 1937, Pope Pius XI in the encyclical, Mit brennender Sorge (composed in German instead of the Church's official language, Latin), condemned Nazi ideology, notably the Gleichschaltung policy directed against religious influence upon education and the Nazi elevation of race.

see also

Carlos Duarte Costa

He openly criticized certain papal periodicals and encyclicals, including Rerum Novarum (Leo XIII), Quadragesimo Anno (Pius XI), and Divini Redemptoris (Pius XI).

Franco Manzi

did his schooling in the liceo classico of the 'Pius XI' diocesan seminary at Venegono Inferiore, in the province of Varese, Italy.

Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Sardinia

With the Apostolic Constitution Nostrarum partem of 5 August 1927, Pope Pius XI founded in Cuglieri – along with the Pontifical Major Seminary accorded to the Society of Jesus – the two Faculties of Theology and Philosophy which were supposed to extend the activity already started in the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari.

Pope Pius XI and Spain

Magaz had been ambassador to the Holy See in the late 1920s and had sought to enrol the assistance of Pius XI in the suppression of catalanismo and bizcaitarrismo (Catalan and Basque nationalism)—and the removal of Cardinal Vidal y Barraquer from the Primatial Archiepiscopal seat of Tarragona.

Pius XI had just received a report from the Bishop of Vitoria, Mateo Mugica Urresterazu, telling him how the Franco insurgents had expelled him from his seat and telling him that 14 priests of his diocese had been shot, and many more jailed or banished from their parishes.


Divini Redemptoris was an anti-communist encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI.


Humani generis unitas was a planned encyclical of Pope Pius XI before his death on February 10, 1939, which condemned antisemitism, racism and the persecution of Jews.